On February 15, 2021 at 5:00pm MST, the League of Women Voters will be hosting a Planning Program meeting via Zoom. Program planning, the heart of League, begins with a review of the current positions by local Leagues. Before the meeting you will need to read the attached LWV of Idaho (LWVID) Positions, specifically:
Government: Reapportionment, Vote by Mail; Natural Resources/energy, Child Care; Education; Charter Schools; Health Care; and, Criminal Justice: Rehabilitative Programs, Sentencing
While reading, jot down your thoughts to retain, drop, or update each of these positions with a comment/explanation. We’ll discuss and make recommendations on these preferences for each position. The LWVP Board will then send these recommendations to the state board by March 1. The LWVID Board uses this information to develop a proposed program, which will be presented at the 2021 LWV Of Idaho Convention on Saturday, May 15. Delegates vote to adopt the proposed program during the Convention.
*Program – League program consists of public policy issues members choose for concentrated study. After a thorough study process, the League finalizes a position statement, which becomes the basis for League action.