On Dec. 9, members will get the “inside scoop” on governing in the state from two veteran members of the House of Representatives as part of the committee’s presentation, “Making Idaho Law: A Look at the Legislative Process in the Gem State.”
Reps. Caroline Nilsson Troy, R – Genesee, and John L. Gannon, D – Boise, will discuss the process from the writing of a bill to its final vote. They will also take questions from the audience.
Troy is in her fourth term representing District 5 and serves on the Appropriations (vice chair) and Judiciary, Rules & Administration committees.
Gannon is in his fifth term representing District 17 and serves on the Ethics and House Policy, Judiciary, Rules & Administration, State Affairs, and Transportation & Defense committees.
The presentation will be via Zoom 6:30-7:30 p.m. PT/7:30-8:30 p.m. MT and can be joined at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83325793561?pwd=VU1GZmhXbzFHQTFkWktobjVpRjhKdz09