

LWV Work

Since its founding in 1930, the League of Women Voters of Idaho has been a respected and trusted voice for citizen participation in our democracy.

Registered to Vote?


Check out Vote Idaho to see if you are registered to vote, and where to vote on Election Day.

Vote Idaho Website

"How to Register to Vote in Idaho" is a 3-minute presentation with easy-to-follow directions showing how to register and what is required to vote in Idaho. It is a helpful guide that includes requirements and options for new residents and college students. 






What's on Your Ballot?


Enter your address to find your polling place, create your personalized voters' guide and find everything you need to vote! With your personalized guide, you will:

  1. see everything that will be on your ballot,
  2. compare candidates' positions side-by-side, and
  3. print out a personalized ballot with your choices to take with you on Election Day.