

Your time, talent, and effort is essential to the League of Women Voters. Without volunteers, we would not be able to fulfill our mission. Read about some of our volunteer opportunities by clicking on the links below; you can also sign up for various volunteer positions by filling out this form and mailing it back to our PO box (listed on the form).
Volunteering in Communication
Are you interested in graphic design or photography? Do you enjoy writing or editing? If the answer is yes, consider contacting our newsletter editor (editor.lwvelmhurst [at] gmail.com (Jon Baker)) or our webmaster (webmaster.lwvelmhurst [at] gmail.com (Katie Marsico)) to volunteer in one or more of the following areas:
  • Networking with other local organizations and neighboring Leagues
  • Assisting with publicity related to LWV Elmhurst events
  • Writing articles for The Voter or otherwise assisting the editor as needed
  • Taking photographs for the LWV Elmhurst newsletter and website
  • Helping maintain the website and/or participating in design and content decisions as part of the newly formed LWV Elmhurst Web committee

Volunteering in Fundraising
Fundraising is far more than asking for a check. It’s an opportunity to educate the community about the great work the LWV Elmhurst is doing here and a chance to explain why we deserve continued support. If you feel fundraising is the right volunteer opportunity for you, please email president.lwvelmhurst [at] gmail.com (our fundraising coordinators). We are looking for volunteers interested in the fundraising activities noted below:
  • Brainstorming strategies for conducting appeals and drives
  • Compiling mailings to members and supporters
  • Helping conduct follow-up and, as needed, draft thank-you correspondence

Volunteering in Hospitality/Outreach (working in conjunction with membership)
Hospitality and outreach are key to the success of the LWV Elmhurst. Volunteers in these areas are committed to connecting with other members, accommodating individual needs as necessary, and envisioning how to make multiple projects and events beneficial to the larger group and surrounding community. Please reach out to president.lwvelmhurst [at] gmail.com (our hospitality coordinators) if you would like to help with the following:
  • Making phone calls to touch base with new members
  • Making phone calls to take RSVPs or give general reminders about events
  • Making phone calls to help coordinate carpools as needed 
  • Emailing or calling to verify information for the LWV Elmhurst directory 
  • Writing invitations and thank-you notes (handwritten or electronic, depending on the circumstances) 
  • Assisting with set up or cleanup at events that require it 
Volunteering in the Observer Corps 
Ready to play a part in furthering transparency? Volunteering with the LWV Elmhurst Observer Corps might be the perfect fit for you! Our Observer Corps is comprised of members who serve as volunteer observers. These individuals attend meetings of the municipal bodies noted below. They then draft Observer Reports that are presented on this site as a public service. Email our Observer Corps coordinator (president.lwvelmhurst [at] gmail.com (Jan Dorner)) if you want to learn more about observing at meetings for the following municipal bodies:
  • College of DuPage Board of Trustees
  • Community Unit School District 205 Board of Education
  • Elmhurst City Council
  • Elmhurst Park District Board of Commissioners
  • Elmhurst Public Library Board of Trustees
  • Wherever needed

Volunteering in Program
As part of its monthly program, the LWV Elmhurst relies on volunteers to host free presentations, informational sessions, and a wide range of guest speakers. Want to help us make the community more aware of key issues—which last year ranged from an upcoming school referendum to fair housing to the Equal Rights Amendment? We’re eager to recruit volunteers with strong organizational skills and an interest in engaging fellow-community members. Contact our second vice president (secondvp.lwvelmhurst [at] gmail.com (Grace Clear)) for further details. Responsibilities might include:
  • Coordinating with communication volunteers to plan for/follow up on event coverage 
  • Collaborating with Elmhurst Cool Cities Coalition to organize and promote program the LWV Elmhurst cosponsors with that organization
  • Taking photos (for our website and newsletter and potential distribution to media)
  • Tracking what appear to be popular program trends in other local Leagues and brainstorming possible implementation here
Volunteering in Voter Service and Registration
The LWV Elmhurst depends on volunteers to provide voters with the resources they need both before and during elections. We assist with registration events, host mock elections, and hold candidate forums. You can be part of these exciting efforts; reach out to us president.lwvelmhurst [at] gmail.com (here) or contact our voter registration chair voterreg.lwvelmhurst [at] gmail.com ((Debbie Sandstrom)) to hear more about the opportunities below:
  • Acting as greeters, pages, timers (and various other roles) at candidate forums
  • Working with students at mock elections
  • *Assisting at voter registration events (*Please note that you must be current in your status as a registrar if you plan to volunteer in that capacity at an LWV Elmhurst event.)
Additional Opportunities
If you don't see an exact fit for what you are looking for, reach out to any of the contacts below or either of our co-presidents, president.lwvelmhurst [at] gmail.com (Jan Dorner) or president.lwvelmhurst [at] gmail.com (Dorothy McGuire). We’re happy to help you determine which volunteer experience might work best for you, according to your preferences and schedule. Remember—you need not have expertise in any specific area or full-time availability. We have several members who can provide training and are grateful for your participation in the many processes that we use to better our community!