Dinner with League: Dr. Colene Lind. Historical Preservation and the Docking Building

Dinner with League: Dr. Colene Lind. Historical Preservation and the Docking Building


Meadowlark Hills
Thursday, November 3, 2022 - 6:00pm


 Dinner with League: Join us on the first Thursday of the month.

DINNER WITH THE LEAGUE:  THURSDAY, November 3rd,    6:00 pm,  Meadowlark Hills

Colene Lind,Ph.D., an Associate Professor in the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism at Kansas State University, and Director for the Institute for Civic Discourse & Democracy, will be our speaker. She is also a founding member of Plains Modern, and will speak about the Docking State Office Building and the value of historic preservation.  She will then answer some of your questions.

Menu:   Pesto chicken melt with potato soup. 

Cost:    This would be a $15 tax included meal.   Please bring cash or a check made out to LWVMRC to Meadowlark that night.  Meadowlark residents may sign up in the Blue Book at the Front Desk.

To Reserve your Meal if you are NOT a Meadowlark resident:  Email SARA FISHER, at sarafisher [at] live.com

As always, if you do not want a meal, please feel free to join us at 6:30 pm to hear our guest speaker.  No charge.  Guests are welcome!

Here is a link to learn more about Colene:  Colene Lind (k-state.edu)

Here is a link about PLAINS MODERN:   Plains Modern – Modern Architectural Heritage in Kansas