


Have you dreamed of using your experience to:
  • Connect with your community in new ways?
  • Learn about the latest issues on all levels of government?
  • Empower yourself, your friends, and neighbors to create stronger communities?
  • Shape the policy decisions that affect your life?


If so... Please join us.


 When you join the local League, you become a member of the League of Women Voters of the U.S. and LWV of Kansas.

Membership in the League of Women Voters is open to all persons (men and women, citizens and non-citizens) at least 16 years of age. Associate non-voting membership is open to those under 16. Student membership is free, funded by the League of Women Voters at the national, state, and local level.

As League members, we contribute valuable service to our community, state, and nation. We study, learn, and act on issues affecting all our lives. In the process, we develop lasting friendship with others who share a common interest in a positive, progressive future.

Together, we accomplish amazing changes because "Democracy is not a spectator sport."


You may join or renew though the PayPal button below or by mail.

*Membership pricing:

  • Single Membership: $70
  • 2 Memberships same household: $105
  • Student Membership: Free, First Time Individual: $30
  • Sustainer: $150
  • (Please note:  Dues are not tax-deductible)

If you wish to join or renew by mail:

New Members, please download and print this form. (Renewing members, if your information has not changed, you do not need to complete the form.) Write your check to: League of Women Voters of Manhattan/Riley County. Please mail your completed form and check to:

League of Women Voters of Manhattan/Riley County
P.O. Box 835
Manhattan, Ks 66505

Membership/Renewal Forms and Instructions:

PDF icon Printable Form

PDF icon If you wish to join or renew by PayPal:

New Members: Please go to this on-line form so we can learn more about you! This will take you to a new page and a PayPal button to pay your membership.  Choose your level of membership and click "Buy Now." Please return to fill out the form and click submit.

Renewing Members: You may renew directly at the button below.



Thank you for joining our League of Women Voters of Manhattan-Riley County. We look forward to working together with you.

If you prefer to donate to us without joining our organization, we would appreciate your support.