Are you ready to Vote? You must be registered in advance.
Información Electoral que Necesita
More to know...
Why Should I Vote?(video from 2020, Wildcats Vote, BLMMHK, and LWVMRC)
Want to know more about current election law, Gerrymandering, and the For the People Act? Dr. Brianne Heidbreder of KSU offers information and perspective here.
Are You Ready to Vote? Want to Vote by mail?
Check your registration and get a mail-in/advance ballot at KSvotes.org. (How to fill out the form) (Mail voting explained) Find your polling place and see your sample ballot for Riley County here. Outside of Riley County, find your information here. Elections Calendar here.Find more information and check out your candidates at Vote411. (Nearer to the election.)
First time voter? Living away from home?
Here is a good overview, from the LWV of Johnson County, Kansas.
You must register before you can vote.If you move (even across the hall), change your name or sex, you need to re-register. Do it quickly atKSvotes.org.Students, you may register either at your family address or at your college address. You need to decide what works best for you. (More information Here)
Find out who is on the ballot and where the candidates stand on the issues at Vote411.
In a presidential election year, take the Pro-Con Presidential Quiz . (Note: This is non-partisan. The League will never tell you who to vote for...it is your choice!)
You do not have to vote for every office. Learn what you can, but you may leave some spaces blank. Your ballot is still good.
If you have trouble, ask the poll workers for help. That is why they volunteer.
If something goes wrong, you have the right to ask for a "provisional ballot."
Enjoy exercising your Right to Vote! "Because Democracy is Not a Spectator Sport."
Are you registered to vote? You cannot vote if you are not registered.
You may do this at any time up to a few weeks before a primary or general election. (In Riley County, go to https://www.rileycountyks.gov/128/Elections)
Do you want to change your party, your address, your name? Do you know you can do this on-line? (Provided by KSVotes.org) (Note: there is a time-frame for changing your party.)
In Riley County, you may register at several sites,(ie. at the Driver's license bureau, with the Federal Form. You may submit your application in person, on-line,or by mail to County Clerk's Office, 110 Court House Plaza, Manhattan KS 66502
If you are a student, do you register here or at your family's home? Find out here.
Una Guía de Votación en Kansas
Donde es una forma para Federal Form.
Other key points
- You must re-register if you have changed your name or address or sex.
- To vote, you need to bring a government issued picture ID with you when you vote. A public high school or university ID is acceptable. A private college ID is not, as it is not “government issued. You may qualify for a free ID
- You will receive a card in the mail when you are registered. This will list your polling place, place to vote. Check to make sure that everything is accurate.
- Be sure to take your registration card with you, in case there are any problems.
IF YOU HAVE SERVED YOUR TIME...You may vote, but still need to register.
(See pamphlet: Restoring your right to vote.)
In Kansas, you may get back your voting rights after completing prison time and/or probation after a felony conviction. You are eligible to vote in Kansas. You still must register to vote. It is not done automatically on your release. You will mark a spot on the voter registration form that says you have finished your probation. See below:
"A felon who loses voting rights may re-register to vote after their sentence is completed. The county election officer does not automatically restore the person's name to the registration list. When registering to vote, the felon is not required to submit proof of final discharge. The voter registration application form contains an affidavit above the signature line attesting that the person's rights have been restored. Signing a false affidavit is a felony, which could result in loss of voting rights upon conviction." From the Office of Kansas Secretary of State Questions? 1-800-262-8683 or visit sos.ks.gov.
The following are some sites for free documentation:
- Free Non-driver Identification Card
- (Note: you do NOT need a birth certificate to register to vote, but you might need one for other reasons. If you were born in the State of Kansas, you may get ONE free copy of your birth certificate.
- You also may buy a copy at Application for Certified Copy of Kansas Birth Certificate (Cost $15, even if they do not find the record. Need copies of two other forms of Identification (ie: w-2 form)
Una Guía de Votación en Kansas
Donde es una forma para Federal Form.
You do not need to submit proof of citizenship, but you do need to be a citizen. You may need to contact your county clerk to find out where to vote.
If you are stopped from voting:
You may ask for a provisional ballot, though not all offices will be listed. If you can prove you are registered, your vote will count. (follow the HAVA guidelines below.)
A formal complaint can be filed under Title III of HAVA, The Help America Vote Act, if you have trouble with:
- Voting equipment
- Accessibility
- Alternative language
- Provisional voting
- Central voter registration
- Posting of election information at polling places
- Identification of voters
You may follow these steps to attempt to correct the mistake. You have a time deadline. You must file your complaint within 30 days after the problem occurred.