Dinner with the League - Water Issues Affecting All Kansans - March

Dinner with the League - Water Issues Affecting All Kansans - March

Restaurant front


Prairie Star Restaurant
2121 Meadowlark Road
Manhattan Kansas 66502
Kansas US
Thursday, March 2, 2023 - 6:00pm to 8:30pm

You are invited to the next  DINNER WITH THE LEAGUE, Thursday, March 2nd at Meadowlark Hills, 2121 Meadowlark Road.


Topic: Water Issues Affecting All Kansans

Dinner is served at 6:00, the program will begin at  6:30. 

Meal: Chef Brooke Marcotte is serving:  Raspberry Grilled Chicken, Wild Rice, Broccoli, Iced Tea, Coffee, Rolls

Cost: $15; Cash or make checks payable to LWVMRC at the door.   (Please invite a guest! No charge if attending Program only)

RSVP to reserve your meal by Tuesday morning, Feb. 28,  to sarafisher [at] live.com   
Meadowlark Residents: sign up in the Blue Book.

Representative Kenny TitusRep. Titus serves the 51st District in the Kansas House, and is on the Water, Judiciary, and Juvenile Justice Committees. Before his election to the house, he served as Chief Counsel to the Kansas Department of Agriculture, working with stakeholders in the state’s largest industry. He is one of the state’s experts on water law and led the effort to implement Kansas’ industrial hemp program. Prior to that, he worked in the Office of the Kansas Attorney General. Kenny is a co-owner of National Sports Network, a nationally syndicated play-by-play broadcast network. He attended law school at the University of Kansas where he also serves as an adjunct professor. He received his M.A. in History and B.S. degrees in Journalism and History from Kansas State University. His district encompasses areas to the east and south of Manhattan.

Paul Johnson Paul Johnson, an organic farmer and a registered lobbyist for the Kansas Rural Center, writes weekly legislative updates in The Kansas Policy Watch. Paul follows critical legislation for the League involving taxes and budget, elections and local government, Medicaid expansion, judicial selection, school funding and separation of powers. These reports are available through the sponsorship of the League of Women Voters of Kansas.
To learn more about Kansas Policy Watch, click on this link:  https://kansasruralcenter.org/policy-watch