This event is postponed until further notice. Stay alert, stay active, but stay home.
It is time for our League of Women Voters Manhattan-Riley County to get together!
Our annual meeting will be Saturday, April 18, 2020. We will meet for brunch and to approve League business. We will begin gathering at 9:00, begin our meal at 9:30, and follow with our guest speaker and annual meeting.
Our guest speaker will be a dynamic local advocate, Rev. Jonalu Johnstone. Rev. Johnstone is the minister of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Manhattan and is a visible force in the community for social justice. She will share with us strategies to remain resilient and effective in difficult times. Karen Hummel has a term for it. "Aggressive optimism."
Our main order of business will be to receive reports of the last year's actions, elect our new slate of officers, and to approve or reject changes to our bylaws concerning the leadership format. You will receive an email or letter with the agenda, budget, and proposed changes on March 18.
Details will follow on the meal choices. The cost will be $15. As March 31 is the end of the fiscal year, membership dues will be submitted at this meeting. Please RSVP to lwv.manhattanks [at] gmail.com.
We look forward to seeing you!