Please join us as we hear from the candidates what their goals are for our schools and city. All candidates actively campaigning will be attending this event. Candidates will answer a series of non-partisan, issue-based questions of concern for our community.
The forum co-sponsors are the AAUW Manhattan Branch and the Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce
In keeping with best Covid safety practices, this event will be virtual and broadcast live on the radio. We will hear from our candidates through live broadcast on Newstalk radio 1350 AM KMAN radio, KMAN Facebook, and LWVMRC FaceBook.
(If you need accomodations to view this event, please inform us by Friday, October 8 at 2:00 pm. We will be happy to assist you in viewing this important community event. Email us at lwv.manhattanks [at] gmail.com.)
On the day of the event, when the event goes live, these links will take you directly to the visual broadcast so you can see the candidates during the forum.
LWVMRC Facebook Live Stream (The link will not work until we go live.)
KMAN Facebook Live Stream (This link will not work until the event is live.)
The USD 383 Board of Education forum will begin at 1:30.
The Manhattan City Commission forum will begin at 3:00.
If you have questions you would like to submit for consideration, please send to lwv.manhattanks [at] gmail.com
Questions may be rephrased to be non-partisan and not addressed to one candidate alone. This is a forum, not a debate.
We hope you can join us!