Community Room, Meadowlark Hills
2121 Meadowlark Rd
See map: Google Maps
Kansas US
Saturday, April 29, 2023 - 9:00am to 11:00am
Annual meeting: League of Women Voters Manhattan, Riley County, Saturday, April 29th. Brunch at Meadowlark Hills.
Join us for our gathering to conduct the key business of our organization. Members and their guests welcomed. The complete agenda and needed materials have been sent out in advance to all members.
Where: Community Room at Meadowlark Hills
When: 9:00 AM social time, Meeting 9:30 AM -11 AM (We will gather at 9 and begin the meeting at 9:30)
Menu: pastries and coffee (Complimentary)
Please RSVP at sarafisher [at] live.com by Tuesday, April 25th.