The LWVW is very pleased to announce that Wellesley High School was recently awarded the LWVMA's Catalyst Award for "extraordinary participation" in their 2021 "Democracy Challenge" video contest.
On January 14, 2021, the LWVW sponsored a panel dicussion on affordable housing in Wellesley which was attended by over 100 people who participated via Zoom polls and comments. The video of this event is shown below:
The LWV of Wellesley is offering free rides to the polls to voters registered in Wellesley on Town Election Day, March 17. To arrange a ride, email your name, pickup address and phone # to: voterservi
The League of Women Voters of Wellesley sponsored a School Referendum Forum on Wednesday, February 26, 2020 in the Wakelin Room of the Wellesley Free Library attended by about 60 residents and broadcast live by Wellesley Media.