ALL MEMBERS are encouraged to attend to meet other members and learn about LWV positions/policies locally, statewide and nationally. Please bring a dish to share and add to the banquet.
LWVOA members are sharing LWV info via social media including Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok, etc. Volunteers with ideas and energy to facilitate this endeavor are welcome. No experience is needed.
LWV members from numerous states meet to discuss strategy and action plans for abolishing the Electoral College by US Constitutional amendment. The LWV believes that the direct popular vote method for electing the US Predident and Vice President
Volunteers are needed to observe the election certification process statewide. No experience necessary. Volunteers may sign up for 2 hour blocks of time. Contact Jim Treharne via lwvoami [at]
League of Women Voters of Michigan will have a video presentation on Promote the Vote (regarding the voting petition on the 2022 November ballot) ready for distribution in September.