Past Events For Oakland Area

Event Date: 
05/21/2021 - 12:00am to 05/22/2021 - 11:45pm

The League of Women Voters of Michigan 2021 is a virtual event. For more information please see

Event Date: 
05/18/2021 - 2:00pm to 05/19/2021 - 1:45pm

LWVOA member, Debra Horner of the University of Michigan Center for Local, State and Urban Policy faculty, is presenting "Democracy at the Local Level" on May 18.  

Register for this free virtual program at MSU-ANR Events.

Event Date: 
05/18/2021 - 1:00pm to 05/19/2021 - 12:45pm
Event location: 

Birmingham NEXT

Open to the public. The League of Women Voters Oakland Area is providing information on the Michigan Independent Redistricting Commission at a presentation at the Birmingham Next Center on May 18 at 7pm. Please join us. 

Event Date: 
05/13/2021 - 2:30pm

Open to the public -- please see below for details on the Zoom meeting. The League of Women Voters Oakland Area is providing a virtual presentation via Zoom on Michigan's Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (MICRC) for the American Assoc

Event Date: 
02/24/2021 - 7:00pm to 02/25/2021 - 6:45pm

The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan

Event Date: 
02/11/2021 - 7:00pm to 02/12/2021 - 6:45pm
Event location: 

Zoom from your own tablet, phone, or computer

All members reglardless of how long you've been in League are invited to this opportunity to meet fellow Leaguers and learn about a new aspect of League work each month.

Event Date: 
02/09/2021 - 7:00pm to 02/10/2021 - 6:45pm
Event location: 

Zoom from your own tablet, phone, or computer

Event Date: 
12/03/2020 - 7:00pm to 12/04/2020 - 6:45pm

White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo

text Upholding Voter Integrity with blue block background
Event Date: 
11/24/2020 - 5:30pm
Event location: 


A panel discussion about how votes were counted in Oakland County


Event Date: 
09/23/2020 - 7:00pm to 09/24/2020 - 6:45pm

Educated, a Memoir by Tara Westover

This discussion will take place via Zoom. Email Tera Moon at tlcmoon [at] for the Zoom invite and link.


Past Events Co-Hosted By Oakland Area

There are currently no past events to display. Check back soon!