Message from LWV-WC President Lynne Kochmanski

Message from LWV-WC President Lynne Kochmanski


Dear Washtenaw County League Members,

 The US Supreme Court has eliminated the constitutional right to an abortion, overturning Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.  While we thought this was coming, there was still hope. Now the hurt is real and severe.

 At our national convention on Friday, Dr. Deborah Turner spoke about the pain of this moment and asked us to take a collective breath.  She reminded us of the days before the Roe decision.  She encouraged us to now channel the energy of that fight 50 years ago.

 I would like to remind you of the LWVUS position on reproductive rights:

 “The League of Women Voters believes every US resident should have access to affordable, quality health care, including birth control and the privacy to make reproductive choices. As an ally of reproductive rights organizations, we know that safe access to health care, including abortion, is essential to our democracy. 

Democracy depends on equal rights for all people. Losing our right to reproductive choice opens the door to the loss of other freedoms like marriage equality, contraception, and the right to engage in private, consensual intimacy. The attack we have seen on voting rights is an attack on democracy. The attack on reproductive choice is a continuation of silencing people in this country.

Not only is the right to a safe and legal abortion a matter of personal freedom, it’s also a major factor in the movements for racial and economic equality. Black women and all underserved communities already experience inequitable barriers and limited access to adequate health care services. Many of the communities targeted with voter suppression are the same ones who will be most impacted if reproductive freedom is also taken away.

The League of Women Voters stands in solidarity with women and individuals who may become pregnant in the fight to protect reproductive freedom.”

 After Friday’s convention session in Denver, CO, the League of Women Voters of Colorado led a march to the Colorado Capital building with our fellow delegates.  Dr. Turner has encouraged us to join protests and marches in the coming weeks locally.  It is critical that we show up and use our voices.

There are events being held locally, you may wish to attend.  There will be reproductive freedom petitions available to sign.  Please continue to check our FB page and Twitter and website for information about events around the county.

If you attend events, please be aware of safety guidelines.  LWVUS Safety Guidelines.


Lynne Kochmanski, LWV-WC President

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Washtenaw County