

Support redistricting processes and enforceable standards that promote fair and effective representation at all levels of government with maximum opportunity for public participation.

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Public Statement

Statement from our President, Mona Field.


Action Alerts

The LWVSA board has endorsed the Spokane City Council amendment recommending Map 2 as to the best redistricting plan and will send a letter to the Council. You can provide comments and support for this decision.

Redistricting LWV Meeting

The City of Lomita is considering the transition to City Council districts, with the first public hearing scheduled to take place tomorrow, Tuesday, August 16, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. during the regular City Council Meeting that starts


The League's Impact on Redistricting

by the LWVUS Staff

In September 2019, the League launched its national redistricting effort People Powered Fair Maps™ (PPFM).

People Powered Fair Maps logo
Blog Post

In September 2019, the League launched its national redistricting effort People Powered Fair Maps™ (PPFM).

PPFM aimed to create greater transparency, fairness, and public participation in the redistricting process, which determines voting access, partisan representation, and federal funding for communities across the country. 

Multicolored flyer showing and naming 5 speakers for an upcoming event on May 19, 2022 on redistrictong in CT
Event Date: 
May 19 2022 10:00 am
Event location: 


Speakers will provide an update on the Connecticut congressional redistricting process, explain how the new maps were drawn, and discuss what the new districts mean for the Latino community in the state.

Red Box with White Take Action Now Text

Action Alerts

LWVFL Needs Our Help Now: 

Tell Legislators to reject the Governor's abuse of power and gerrymandered map!

Press Mention

Joan Twiggs, director at large for the League of Women Voters of Connecticut, joins Public News Service to discuss the next stage of the once-a-decade redistricting process - the creation of voting districts. Also known as electoral districts or wards, voting districts are the hyperlocal areas determining polling place locations on Election Day.

Press Mention

Patricia Rossi weighs in on the redistricting process during NBC Connecticut's Face the Facts' November 29th airing.

Fair maps

Pleasant Hill may move to by-district elections. Groups are learning about what this will mean for the city. Select "Read More" for full information.
Redistricting is the process where district lines are redrawn within a jurisdiction, based on population. Fair, representative redistricting plans ensure that elected officials will be responsive for voters in their communities. Public participation in map-drawing is critical to ensure that communities have the strongest voice possible. You can meet with elected officials, attend public meetings, work with your neighbors, and use social media to encourage others to participate.
