

Support redistricting processes and enforceable standards that promote fair and effective representation at all levels of government with maximum opportunity for public participation.

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Photo of map of Florida with Gainesville in the center

Updated 11/16/21. Redistricting 2022 has major political ramifications for individual politicians, the state of Florida, and the nation. The new state and federal legislative seats may determine the partisan balance of power for the next decade in the Florida Legislature and the U.S. Congress. Legislative committees responsible for Florida and Congressional redistricting have just begun, and the process is already beset by controversy. This is the latest on redistricting in Florida as well as updates on local redistricting in Alachua County, the school board, and the City of Gainesville.

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Event Date: 
Nov 29 2021 06:30 pm to 07:45 pm
Event location: 

Rochambeau Branch Library

Providence League of Women Voters
Invites you to a
Providence Conversation

Event Date: 
Oct 21 2021 06:00 pm

The Kansas People Powered Fair Maps team invites us to learn how to create and submit meaningful redistricting testimony and create a community profile. LWVL-DC is a co-sponsor of this event.

2021 Hawaii County Redistricting Commission - Public Notice Heading

As per the Hawai`i County Charter, the Hawai`i County Redistricting Commission must hold at lest one public hearing in each of the nine council districts prior to completing a draft of the redistricting plan.

Photo of map of Florida with Gainesville in the center

The League of Women Voters encourages everyone to vote and to actively engage in civic life. We want to help you understand issues that affect your ability to vote and to make your vote count. Voting at every level is critical to achieving the quality of life we value. Fair districts are key to our ability to choose politicians who share our values. The decisions on state redistricting will affect our voting choices for at least a decade. We will give periodic updates on redistricting and urge you to become active members of the electorate.

Photo of map of Florida with Gainesville in the center

The Legislature is gearing up to draw state and congressional districts that will define our voting options for the next decade. So, we should start to think about the process and how we want to be involved.

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Blog Post

It’s not too late to join us in calling for a fair and transparent redistricting process in Connecticut. Redistricting continues. Patricia Rossi and Joan Twiggs are grateful to all who put yourselves and your leagues on the “Redistricting Action Map.” What started as a metaphor has now become a literal map and we invite you to check it out!

Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission

The MICRC will be holding a second round of public hearings.  There will be five hearings around the state.  The hearing for the Detroit area will be on Wednesday, October 20 at the TCF (Cobo Hall).


A Key to Our Representative Democracy

people powered maps
Press Mention

Delaware’s first redistricting hearing of 2021 promises transparency

