

Support redistricting processes and enforceable standards that promote fair and effective representation at all levels of government with maximum opportunity for public participation.

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Press Mention

Patricia Rossi weighs in on the redistricting process during NBC Connecticut's Face the Facts' November 29th airing.

Fair maps

Pleasant Hill may move to by-district elections. Groups are learning about what this will mean for the city. Select "Read More" for full information.
Redistricting is the process where district lines are redrawn within a jurisdiction, based on population. Fair, representative redistricting plans ensure that elected officials will be responsive for voters in their communities. Public participation in map-drawing is critical to ensure that communities have the strongest voice possible. You can meet with elected officials, attend public meetings, work with your neighbors, and use social media to encourage others to participate.

Press Mention

Connecticut and New York have approved their new voting district maps. For the next 10 years these district lines will shape how political power plays out in both states. Joan Twiggs, Director at Large and People Powered Fair Maps Champion for the League of Women Voters of Connecticut, spoke to WSHU for the Full Story program about Connecticut's new voting district maps, published on February 18, 2022.

Action Alerts

LWVCT has proposed a bill to create a Task Force to Study Redistricting in Connecticut. Contact the GAE Committee today and urge them to introduce this bill before the February 25 deadline! Despite our advocacy calling for increased transparency, public involvement, and nonpartisanship in the redistricting process, 2021 redistricting was once again completed behind closed doors. We can't go back, but we can take steps now to make sure we don't repeat these mistakes. You can help!

Photo of map of Florida with Gainesville in the center

The ability to vote for our lawmakers is the cornerstone of our democracy. Access to the ballot box has evolved over time and has, until recently, demonstrated progress toward racial equity. Florida is now eroding the progress we have made toward voting equity. In the 2021 legislative session, Florida passed a law that is expected to suppress voting, especially among people of color. We urge you to get involved. Visit the Florida Redistricting website to submit testimony telling our legislators to give all our citizens a fair chance to choose their representatives. Visit the LWVAC Redistricting webpage for additional information on redistricting.

League members with signs supporting fair redistricting
Blog Post

Redistricting Wrap Up

Submitted by Margo Reeg on behalf of the LWV of LA County ILO

January 27, 2022

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

CALL TO ACTION: Call your legislators or comment on the Florida Redistricting website now to demand fair maps!

As you know, redistricting is in full swing in the Florida Legislature. Call your legislators or comment on the Florida Districting website to demand fair maps. Here's how and why. Act Today!

People Powered Fair MapsTM is a national redistricting program of the League of Women Voters focused on creating fair political maps nationwide. In Idaho, we encourage civic involvement and participation in the process.

How does the Reapportionment Process Work?

Please watch our video explaining the reapportionment process.
Slide show title page with PIP of female speaker in upper right corner

The League of Women Voters Alachua County (LWVAC) would like to make sure you are aware of decisions being made that may diminish the power of your vote. The Districts for State Senators have already been approved by the Senate and, although they are relatively free of political gerrymandering, Alachua County has been divided into two separate districts. This dilutes our ability to influence state policies and decisions. This video presentation from a recent LWVAC Local Issues Committee meeting provides details and how you can get involved.

Photo of map of Florida with Gainesville in the center

The ability to vote for our lawmakers is the cornerstone of our Democracy. We are now seeing Florida, and other states, pass laws eroding the progress we have made in increasing the ability of all citizens to vote. The Florida constitution clearly protects minority rights. The League of Women Voters of Florida has been testifying before the Senate and House redistricting committees to urge them to analyze their proposed maps to ensure minority rights. The League is insisting the committees conduct an analysis of the entire state using recent census data, which is important because Florida had more minority residents in 2020 than it did in 2010.
