LWVAC Redistricting Presentation

LWVAC Redistricting Presentation

by Diane Dimperio and Lynn Frasier
Published January 20, 2022

The League of Women Voters Alachua County (LWVAC) would like to make sure you are aware of decisions being made that may diminish the power of your vote. During the 2022 Session, the Florida Legislature is revising Voting Districts for the Florida House and Senate as well as the US House of Representatives. Redistricting can result in districts that fairly represent the population or can almost guarantee members of one party will win elections. The Florida Constitution requires the redistricting process to ensure political parity and the ability of minority populations to elect lawmakers of their choice.

Redistricting is a complicated process, but it is important that we all become engaged. The Districts for the State Senate have already been approved by the full Senate and, although they are relatively free of political gerrymandering, Alachua County has been divided into two separate districts. This dilutes our ability to influence state policies and decisions. The Senate redistricting process also did not include an assessment of the adequacy of minority representation.

Two maps are yet to be finalized, the Florida House and the US House of Representatives. We must get involved as many of the current drafts reflect some political bias and do not ensure minority voting rights. This video presentation from a recent LWVAC Local Issues Committee meeting provides more information. You can also review the LWVAC series of redistricting articles for more background on redistricting. Please be aware that this process is underway and moving quickly and information becomes outdated quickly. 

We are encouraging Florida voters to urge Legislators to comply with the constitutional requirements to draw districts that are politically unbiased and protect minority voting rights.

If after reviewing the slides, video, and articles you still have questions or want to get involved, please contact us.

Diane Dimperio is the LWVAC Redistricting Contact and Lynn Frasier is the LWVAC President. If you would like more information or to get involved, please reach out to info [at] lwv-alachua.org.


Slide show title page with PIP of female speaker in upper right corner

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