“We are extremely disappointed with the Florida Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the stay and to continue to allow the state to move forward with the implementation of the wholly unconstitutional, racially gerrymandered Congressional District 5 that violates Florida’s Fair Districts Amendments.
The Governor’s attempt to delay these proceedings past the point that local Supervisors of Elections can successfully implement a constitutional map is a direct attack on the rights of all Floridians of all races who voted for Fair Districts. This attempt is also a focused assault on the ability of Black voters to choose the representation they deserve.”
Stay tuned as we continue to share more updates surrounding this crucial litigation. One thing to take away: our case is not over! - LWVFL
The League of Women Voters encourages everyone to vote and to actively engage in civic life. We want to help you understand issues that affect your ability to vote and to make your vote count. Voting at every level is critical to achieving the quality of life we value. Fair districts are key to our ability to choose politicians who share our values. The decisions on state redistricting will affect our voting choices for at least a decade. We will give periodic updates on redistricting and urge you to become active members of the electorate.
If we did not know before, we now understand how important our vote for political office holders can be. Politicians make decisions that affect our health and safety, our economic status, and our environment. Understanding of, and involvement in, the process of redistricting can be the first step in preserving your ability to make decisions about your life by voting.
LWVAC's Redistricting Contact is Diane Dimperio. She is putting together a series of articles on the redistricting process in Florida to make sure you can do your part in exercising your freedom to cast a meaningful vote. Here you will find articles ranging from introductory terminology to in-depth updates on the process, including maps, dates and more. The articles are updated as things change. Check back often for the most up-to-date information.
The Current Status of the Maps
Concluding Summary as of 07/07/22: Fair district advocates considered the final Senate and House maps to be reasonably free from political gerrymandering but were concerned they did not reflect the increased minority population experienced over the last decade. However, the maps were approved by the Florida Supreme Court and no lawsuits were filed.
Governor Ron Desantis, in an unprecedented move, submitted a Congressional map that was highly politically gerrymandered and reduced the number of African American access districts by half. These maps are considered to be non-compliant with the Fair Districts provisions of the Florida Constitution. Voting rights organizations filed lawsuits but were outmaneuvered by the Governor who has managed to delay the hearings until after the 2022 elections.
How to Read the Proposed Redistricting Maps
This page documents the steps to take to review and comment on the proposed redistricting maps.
Gainesville Sun Op-Ed Article: Give all our citizens a fair chance to choose their representatives
The ability to vote for our lawmakers is the cornerstone of our democracy. Access to the ballot box has evolved over time and has, until recently, demonstrated progress toward racial equity. Florida is now eroding the progress we have made toward voting equity. In the 2021 legislative session, Florida passed a law that is expected to suppress voting, especially among people of color. We urge you to get involved. Submit testimony telling our legislators to give all our citizens a fair chance to choose their representatives.
LWVAC Local Issues Committee Redistricting Presentation
The League of Women Voters Alachua County (LWVAC) would like to make sure you are aware of decisions being made that may diminish the power of your vote. The Districts for State Senators have already been approved by the Senate and, although they are relatively free of political gerrymandering, Alachua County has been divided into two separate districts. This dilutes our ability to influence state policies and decisions. This LWVAC video presentation provides details and how you can get involved.
Part 5: Minority Voting Rights
The ability to vote for our lawmakers is the cornerstone of our Democracy. We are now seeing Florida, and other states, pass laws eroding the progress we have made in increasing the ability of all citizens to vote. The Florida constitution clearly protects minority rights. The League of Women Voters of Florida has been testifying before the Senate and House redistricting committees to urge them to analyze their proposed maps to ensure minority rights. The League is insisting the committees conduct an analysis of the entire state using recent census data, which is important because Florida had more minority residents in 2020 than it did in 2010.
Gainesville Sun Op-Ed Article: What will your vote be worth in 2022?
The Florida Senate has released drafts of eight Senate and eight congressional maps, which are posted on the website. The press is giving them good reviews, but all versions of the Senate maps divide Alachua County into two districts. Alachua County tends to vote differently than the surrounding counties and we are not aware of any reason to divide our county.
Part 4: Redistricting in Action
Redistricting 2022 has major political ramifications for individual politicians, the state of Florida, and the nation. The new state and federal legislative seats may determine the partisan balance of power for the next decade in the Florida Legislature and the U.S. Congress. Legislative committees responsible for Florida and Congressional redistricting have just begun, and the process is already beset by controversy. This is the latest on redistricting in Florida as well as updates on local redistricting in Alachua County, the school board, and the City of Gainesville.
Part 3: Make Your Vote Count: State and Congressional Redistricting
The Legislature is gearing up to draw state and congressional districts that will define our voting options for the next decade. So, we should start to think about the process and how we want to be involved.
Part 2: Introduction to Redistricting
There are lots of discussions about redistricting these days. So you may be wondering… What’s it all about? What does it mean? Why should I care?
Part 1: Redistricting: Does Your Vote Count?
Americans pride ourselves on being able to vote for the people who make the laws that affect our everyday life. We value our ability to choose a candidate who represents our values –someone who will stand up for what we think is important.
Additional Resources:
- The League's Impact on Redistricting
- Florida Redistricting website
- League of Women Voters of Florida Redistricting website
- League of Women Voters Redistricting website
- League of Women Voters People Powered Fair Maps website
- League of Women Voters has also created a 60-second explainer video, describing what redistricting is, the implications of how maps are drawn, and how people can get involved.