

We are all equal at the ballot box, but only if we vote. We engage millions of voters every year ensuring Americans have the information they need to participate in elections that determine our future.

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Advocacy 101 Workshop: Educate, Advocate, Impact! Event Image
Event Date: 
02/26/2020 - 9:30am to 02/27/2020 - 11:45am
Event location: 

Connecticut Capitol

Educate + Advocate + Impact is a *FREE WORKSHOP* designed for League members and others who wish to learn more about the legislative process, LWVCT legislative priorities, and members' potential role as a subject specialist or advocate on issues.

Event Date: 
03/18/2020 - 7:00pm to 03/19/2020 - 8:45pm
Event location: 

Pointless Brewery and Theater

“Elections, Justice and the Rule of Law: A Conversation with Barbara McQuade”

Redistricting Reform Rally
Event Date: 
03/23/2020 - 6:00pm to 03/24/2020 - 7:45pm

This meeting has been cancelled because of the COVID-19 concern.  We are following CDC guidance for the high risk “Over 60” population, 

Redistricting Reform Rally
Event Date: 
03/09/2020 - 6:00pm to 03/10/2020 - 7:45pm
Event location: 

Seymour Center

The LWVODC Redistricting Reform Team meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month. Contact Jennifer Bremer for more information.

National Day of Action February 14 2020 Women Power the Vote Image
Event Date: 
02/14/2020 - 8:45am to 2:30pm
Event location: 

Richard C. Lee United States Courthouse

The Connecticut League's Day of Action will focus on supporting and celebrating the new citizens as they pledge their allegiance to the United States.  

National Day of Action February 14 2020 Women Power the Vote Image

LWV National Day of Action

This year, Valentine's Day marks the 100th Birthday of the League of Women Voters.  Celebrate the day by taking action on issues you care about!

young girl reading newspaper

Get the latest information on candidates forum and Voter's Edge California, the Schools and Communities First Initiative, lots of Anniversary celebration activities, the Census, healthcare, and more!

Sticky notes on poster, title "Why I Vote"
Blog Post

Hello League Leaders, Members and Friends,

We’ve got work to do.

United States Census 2020

Starting on March 12, households will receive a postcard in the mail inviting them to fill out the census online for the first time ever. The Census is only nine questions, will take about ten minutes, and will impact us for the next ten years. You can be invaluable to ensure everyone will be counted where they live on April 1, 2020.
