Natural Resources (California)

Natural Resources (California)


The LWVOP supports intentional and collaborative growth management in the two-county areas (Oconee and Pickens) of South Carolina.

The LWV of Coos County has completed its study of the International Port of Coos Bay. 

Earth Day Event Climate Conversations: From the Sea to the St. Johns
Event Date: 
04/22/2023 - 10:30am to 1:30pm
Event location: 

Sandra Stetson Aquatic Center

climate change and women
Blog Post

The League of Women Voters has had observer status at the United Nations since 1945 when it was invited by President Harry Truman to serve as a consultant

traffic in Torrance
Event Date: 
02/01/2023 - 7:00pm

On Wednesday, February 1st at 7pm, LWV of Torrance Area hosted Grace Peng, PhD, Data Engineer/Scientist, for “

Map of Lee Property and Hickory Sink

Action Alerts

The Alachua County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) recently heard an initial request for a large-scale development on 4000+ acres known as the Lee Property. LWVAC is asking the BoCC to reject this initial request, called a Special Area Study, until all efforts to secure funding for preserving the entire property are exhausted.


Action Alerts

The Natural Resources Portfolio of the LWVDE Advocacy Corps is asking for your support to call upon the Delaware River Basin Commission to stop fracking in the area around the Delaware River Basin.
