From advancing health care to protecting the environment, voters care about many issues. We promote social and economic justice as well as the health and safety of all Americans to defend democracy.
Our monthly membership newsletter with election season activities and events, both upcoming and recorded as they happened. Also, looking ahead to the holiday season! (Yes, there is life and League after elections!)
College of DuPage Culinary & Hospitality Center, Room 2001
Are you interested in running for local office and want to learn more about it? Here’s your chance to ask those in the know. There will be a panel of Local Government Public Officials to share their experiences and answer your questions.
The Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing was an appalling display of inequity for women’s voices. For far too long, American women and girls have been told to keep quiet after enduring sexual assault.
Support funding of social services to alleviate unmet needs of the citizens of Butte County through a combination of local government and private sector grants.
Support of programs providing humane professional services that emphasize early identi¬fication of needs and prevention of problems confronting the youth of Butte County.