Working with Your League's Menu (Navigation)

Working with Your League's Menu (Navigation)

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The "menu" is another word for your League site's navigation or structure.

There are two ways in which you can add/remove/edit a menu link:

  1. Manage Menu Items - this option allows you to manage your entire menu from one page.
    1. List Links - this is another option for managing your entire menu. When you hover over your menu, a cog will appear in the top-right corner of the menu; click the cog, and choose List Links.
  2. Edit menu settings from Content Editing Form - when editing existing content (i.e. page, form, article, event), you can edit the menu settings to provide a menu link for that particular piece of content.

Manage Menu Items

To re-order the menu items or add new links, select MANAGE MENU from the Administrator League menu in the left sidebar of your League landing page. The list of links that appears is your menu. You can rearrange the order of and enable and disable menu items here.

Unchecking "Enabled" causes the item to not appear on the menu, but won't remove the item from the menu list--this menu list is only visible to webmasters while editing the menu.

There are a handful of menu items you want to be sure to disable rather than delete. For more on this, see Menu items not to delete.

This is especially valuable if you want to store a link for potential later use, but aren't ready to use it immediately.

Reordered menu


Add content directly to the menu from content edit form

You can also manage your menu by editing the page of content itself. Please be aware that the menu settings will appear only after you save your content for the first time. The content must belong to your League before you can add a menu link from here. For example, when you are first creating a page, you'll need to save your changes (preferably as a draft) first, then once you go back to edit that existing draft, you'll see the menu settings option is available under the publishing options at the bottom of the content edit form. Follow along to this documentation for further instructions on adding a new page/content item to the menu.

To quickly get back to any content you'd like to add to the menu:

  1. Go to Manage Content from the Administrator League Site menu
  2. Locate the content in the list you'd like to edit, and click 'edit' to the right

To create the menu link for this content:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the editing form to the "Menu settings" tab
  2. Check the "Provide a menu link" checkbox to expand more options
  3. Choose whether this piece of content appears at the top level of your menu by simply choosing your League name, or
  4. Choose another menu item to be the parent of this new piece of content

menu options

By clicking on "Provide a menu link," a "Parent" field will appear that will allow you to place your content where you want it.

parent menu

TIP: When adding the menu link directly from the content, you'll need to publish your changes to that content to see the menu link in your menu.

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