Add Page
Add Page
Related documentation: add content item and menu link | working with your menu
A Page is the most basic content type. Learn how to create new Pages and add them to your menu. To begin, click Add Page from your Administrator League Site menu on your homepage.
Next, the editing form for a brand new Page will open. This page does not yet exist on your League's site until you save your changes. Follow these next steps to learn how each field is meant to be used. (All are optional except for the title.)
- Add the Title.
- MAIN IMAGE: Add a main image that will display above the top of the Page. The main image appears under the Page title and above the Share button; it also appears as the thumbnail in lists of content. You can upload a new image, or search for an existing one from the Media Library.
- ALTERNATE HERO IMAGE: Using this field by itself (with the main image empty) provides an image at the top of the Page only--no thumbnail image will be added. When using both main image and alternate hero image, the main image remains as the thumbnail in lists of content, while the alternate hero image takes over the top spot on the Page. Follow the link in the next step to learn more about this option.
- Do Not Display A Hero Image: Read more about Main Image v. Alternate Hero Image.
- BODY: Add text to the Body. Use the toolbar to add a table, insert images/files, or format text and images as needed.
- (Edit summary): Add a short blurb about the Page. This summary displays when you promote the Page to the front page/homepage. To edit the summary, you'll find the link next to the title of the Body text box. For help with editing the summary, check out this documentation:
- (Edit summary): Add a short blurb about the Page. This summary displays when you promote the Page to the front page/homepage. To edit the summary, you'll find the link next to the title of the Body text box. For help with editing the summary, check out this documentation:
- BODY WITH EMBED CODE: If more space is needed, add an additional text box or add embed code (e.g. embed code for a YouTube video).
- ATTACHMENTS: You can link to documents from the media library. Inserting media files here will create a table at the very bottom of the page with these item(s) listed.
- ISSUES: Add related issue(s) to the Page. This will add a link to the bottom of your Page that leads to a list of related content from across MyLO. This Issues list is comprised of the current issues at the National League and California League. If you would like issue topics added, please email MyLO Support at mylo [at]
- POSITIONS: Add related position(s) to the Page. The list is all-inclusive (all Leagues on MyLO displayed) and the positions are in order by position title then League name. It's recommended to search for positions here by League name (without "League of Women Voters of" or "LWV").
- PUBLIC OR MEMBERS ONLY?: By default, the new Page is set to Public. You can change it to private so that the article is only viewed by authenticated users (users with login access).
- LEAGUE TO WHICH THIS CONTENT BELONGS: Most webmasters only belong to 1 League, so your League will already be selected as the owner of this content.
- Publishing Options:
- Promoted to front page: checking this box will display a preview of the Page on the homepage. When this option is enabled, the summary displays on the homepage, along with the main image as the thumbnail (if Main Image field is not empty). If you do NOT add your own customized summary, the first few lines of the Page will automatically be taken as the summary on the homepage.
- MODERATION STATE: If you are happy with your changes, set this state to Published. Otherwise the draft will remain as the most recent revision with only the previously published version visible to the public. If this is your first time editing the Page, saving as draft will result in no version being available to the public yet.
- Click Save.
Now that your Page exists on your MyLO site, you can now add its own menu link to your main menu.
Follow this documentation for steps on creating menu links.
MyLO FAQ Category:
- Best practices, Content editing, General