Postcards to Voters

Postcards to Voters


Falls Church Distillers
442 South Washington St.
Falls Church Virginia 22046
Virginia US
Sunday, October 7, 2018 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm

Just weeks away until the Midterm Election. Join us as we write postcards to fellow voters reminding them to vote! Everyone is welcome to write, to chat, and to drink. Explore this new Falls Church business and do great service for fellow voters. We'll also need people to take postcards and deliver them to their neighbors and friends.

Bring a friend to help us get more postcards ready for their new home. There's no better way to spend a Sunday than to do good deeds with friends.

Contact Information
Amy Hjerstedt
amy.hjerstedt [at]
Issues referenced by this event: 
This event is related to which committees: 
Voter Services Committee