The LWV Elmhurst is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. In upholding the larger mission of the LWV, we influence public policy through education and advocacy. Click on the red links throughout this page to learn more about who we are and how we're working with you to keep democracy in action.
The LWV never supports or opposes any political party or candidate. Membership is open to all persons, men and women, ages 16 and older. Our organization is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, as is reflected in our policies, More on the structure of the LWV (including a profile of the LWV Elmhurst's board) can be found here.
The history of the LWV Elmhurst dates to 1932. (The national organization was founded in Chicago on February 14, 1920, with the Illinois League and local chapters forming shortly thereafter.) Get more background on the LWVUS by clicking here.
For nearly nine decades, members of the LWV Elmhurst have worked for:
Referenda to support quality schools
Passage of the 1970 Illinois Constitution
Protections of voting rights of citizens, the city manager form of government in Elmhurst
The unit school district concept for that same community
Separation of storm and sanitary sewers
A referendum for a new library and preservation of the Wilder Mansion and the land around it
Numerous candidate and issue forums
The registration of countless voters
For more information on other current LWV efforts, click here.