Planning Board Appointment Guidelines

Planning Board Appointment Guidelines

Planning Board Appointment Guidelines


The mission of the Manhattan Urban Area Planning Board is to develop, adopt and update the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and to review development applications, planning and zoning proposals to make certain that such proposals conform to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Because Planning Board decisions impact the entire community, the interests of all segments of the community need to be represented.

Requirements for the composition and length of service of some boards like the Riley County + Manhattan Health Board, the Historic Resources Board, the Social Services Board and the Douglas Center Board are currently spelled out by city ordinance and/or city/county agreements. The purpose of these requirements is to ensure knowledgeable and diverse representation of the entire community. In accordance with these precedents and to better fulfill the mission of the MUAPB we urge:

1. That membership of the MUAPB consist of:

  • two (2) members from three (3) categories developer, real estate, or banking;
  • one (1) member representing the Coalition of Manhattan Neighborhood Associations + (chosen from 3 nominations provided by the Coalition)
  • one ( 1) member with background in architecture, landscape architecture or planning
  • three (3) citizens-at-large not associated with any of the above


2. That racial and gender diversity be given high priority in making appointments to the MUAPB.
3. That no member of the MUAPB serve more than two (2) consecutive terms or six (6) consecutive years.
4. That appointees must reside within the jurisdiction of the MUAPB.

League to which this content belongs: 
Manhattan/Riley County