The League has two separate and distinct roles: 1. voter service and citizen education and 2. action and advocacy. Both are recognized and represented by Elmhurst members. Click on the red links below to learn more about the LWV's structure, its policy on diversity, equity, and inclusion, and a profile of the current LWV Elmhurst board.
- Separate and Distinct Roles
- Local LWV Leadership
- Membership in State and National Leagues
- Inter-League Organizations (ILOs)
- Diversity and Pluralism
The League plays an important role in voter service and citizen education. We present unbiased nonpartisan information about elections, the voting process, and issues.
We are also at the center of our community's action and advocacy efforts. We are nonpartisan, but, after study, we use our positions to advocate for or against particular policies in the public interest.
To conduct our voter-service and citizen-education activities, we use funds from the LWV Elmhurst Education Fund, which is a 501(c)(3) corporation, or a nonprofit educational organization. The LWV, a membership organization, conducts action and advocacy and is a nonprofit 501(c)(4) corporation. The LWV is organized by bodies of government, starting with local entities and rolling up to state and national levels.
The LWV Elmhurst is led by a board comprised of officers and directors. Each of these individuals performs duties critical to both our day-to-day operations and the broader goals of the LWV. Click here for an overview of our current board.
Members of the LWV Elmhurst are also automatically members of:
Inter-League Organizations (ILOs) are formed by local and state Leagues within a metropolitan area or region to act on issues that are beyond one local League's scope. The LWV Elmhurst is part of these ILOs:
In keeping with the LWVIL, the LWV Elmhursts upholds the following ideals: The LWVIL, in both its values and its practices, affirms its belief in and commitment to diversity and pluralism. (Click here for the LWV's official policy on diversity, equity, and inclusion.) The LWVIL recognizes that diverse perspectives are necessary for responsible and effective decision making in democratic organizations. The LWVIL [therefore] affirms its commitment to:
- Removing barriers to participation in any League activity on the basis of age, race, color, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or national origin; and . . .
- Actively seeking to be inclusive.