What is a Position?

The League of Women Voters takes action on an issue only when we have a position addressing that particular issue. Members must study and come to consensus on an issue, in order to form a position. This thorough grassroots process ensures that our advocacy is well considered by a broad range of people, understood by our members, and we have a sense of the political environment.

Humboldt County Positions


The League of Women Voters of Humboldt County supports public participation in government as a civic responsibility that makes government work effectively.


The LWVHC supports retaining a Eureka City Charter that ensures a council/manager form of government.


Support improved understanding of and participation in the Regular Grand Jury system. Strengthen resources and support for the Regular Grand Jury, so that it can carry out its investigative functions.


Support improved library facilities in the Humboldt County Library District.


Support of adequate local government financing to maintain government services to meet the demands of the community.


Support economic development in Humboldt County by local government defining goals, setting priorities, providing appropriate planning and implementation, understanding and implementing environmental regulations, facilitating coordination and funding, and promoting public awareness of the procedures for economic development. Support of tourism and recreation as important to the economic development Humboldt County.


Support of a balanced transportation system which includes rail, water, air, road and alternative ideas of transportation, and provides for improvement and funding adequate to maintain a coordinated system.


LWVHC supports safe storage, management, and disposal of hazardous wastes generated in Humboldt County, with special emphasis on adequate financial support for the agencies that reduce and dispose of wastes. LWVHC supports increased awareness of hazardous materials use and disposal, as well as non-hazardous alternatives. Producers and users of hazardous materials should share in the responsibility for the costs of hazardous waste management.


Support land use planning for Humboldt County that recognizes the need for more affordable housing, prioritizes policies that mitigate impacts of climate change, addresses economic vitality, and preserves natural spaces. Citizens must have meaningful participation in land use planning and regulation.


Support protection of Humboldt Bay and the orderly development of adjacent lands for industrial, shipping, commercial, recreational, and tribal uses. Support recognition of the intrinsic value of the bay, with full consideration of the conservation of Humboldt Bay's natural resources and stewardship of Humboldt Bay as a whole.


Support use of the jail facility, provided revisions and renovations occur as required by law as well as alternative programs for incarcerated adults .


Support measures to provide efficient, evidence-based, culturally knowledgeable and trauma-informed (care that considers the pervasive and causative nature of trauma) publicly administered behavioral health care for all people in Humboldt County.


Support of city and county policies and programs with incentives for the private sector for programs which meet the need for accessible, affordable, and quality care of minors.


Support of a public school system that is accountable to the students and to the taxpayers. Support of the development and maintenance of a high quality educational program in a safe environment.


Support of services which decrease the number of children needing foster care, and which provide safe and supportive foster care when required.


Position Summary: Support of consistent funding to provide adequate services to survivors of domestic violence and elder abuse throughout Humboldt County.


Support measures to encourage the county and cities to adopt regulations, programs, and projects that will increase adequate, safe, and sanitary housing stock for all income groups.


Support use of juvenile detention facilities, alternative programs for juvenile offenders, and Probation Department programs for resource families and crisis homes.


Support of measures to provide efficient publicly administered health care, including mental health services, as these are essential and should be available to each individual.
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