Clackamas County

Clackamas County

Our Mission             

  • Encourage informed & active participation in government
  • Increase understanding of major public policy issues
  • Influence public policy through education and advocacy

We are nonpartisan; meaning that we never endorse or oppose political parties or candidates.  Learn more about our work.


News & Upcoming Events -  Be informed   Get Involved

Mt Hood

Get the latest... Clackson Sep 2024!

Welcome and dive in to the SEPTEMBER CLACKSON for the details to save the date for our Annual Fall Kick Off with dinner and speakers on October 1st! You have asked for ways to make a difference, around your schedules and with your skill sets, which have more value than ever.

Sept 2024

Past Issues



Celebrating 40 Years of Civics Learning Project
Event Date: 
Oct 01 2024 06:00 pm
Event location: 

Oswego Point Clubhouse

Oregon’s youth want to understand how our government functions, how to engage respectfully with differing viewpoints, and how to advocate with clarity.  Civics Learning Project engages teachers and students through programs including Mock Trial, W

Vote 411

Clackamas County Candidates- Interviews and Forums

Our Voter Service committee has put together the following compilation of links to interviews and forums on local candidates as a resource for all of us. Only those candidates that accepted the invitation to participate in a the LWV sponsored forum are included here and we thank them for their participation.

Annual Meeting Get Involved!
Event Date: 
May 04 2024 10:00 am
Event location: 

Oswego Pointe Clubhouse




This year's annual business meeting is critically important to all of us.  We are developing a new trial leadership format for the coming League year, planning for League membership transformation, in addition to voting on our program focus for Making Democracy Work.  The workbook is availbable to review now. CARPOOL AND BRING A LEAGUE FRIEND!


CC Clerk Catherine McMullen

Election Security and Fighting Mis and Dis-Information. 

Please enjoy and share the recording of Clackamas Count Clerk Catherine McMullen's presentation on election security and fighting mis and dis-information.

Ranked Voting Graphic
Event Date: 
Apr 03 2024 07:00 pm
Event location: 


Please join us on Zoom with speaker Melanie Billings-Yun of LWVPDX on a discussion of ranked choice voting in Clackamas County. 

"Why We're Polarized" Book Cover
Event Date: 
Apr 11 2024 01:00 pm
Event location: 

Mary’s Woods Retirement Community

We are launching a League of Women Voters of Clackamas County Book Club! The idea is to gather in person, or by Zoom (depending on the weather), every other month starting April 11th at 1:00pm.  

Picture of retired Hillsboro District Superintendent Mike Scott
Event Date: 
Nov 08 2023 07:00 pm
Event location: 

Lakewood Center For The Arts

Please join us to hear retired Hillsboro School District Superintendent Mike discuss the state of public primary and secondary education, explain the impact of issues facing students and their families, faculty, and administrators,


LWV Clackamas hosted veteran editor and investigative reporter, Les Zaitz to speak about the Free Press and Survival of Democracy.  Watch it here


Here are the May 17th preliminary Special District Elections results.  What are Special Districts?  What do they do and who serves in them?  Check out this informative video to find out. Volunteer to serve in your special districts!

Oregon State Capitol

What are the Oregon Legislature priorities and action for 2023?  The League provides this update each week when the Legislature is in session and monthly at other times.  Priorities have been Education, Jobs & the Climate.  Read the latest update summarized by LWV's State Action Committee here  -  LWV Oregon Legislative Report


Did you know that LWV Oregon has completed several recent studies.?  They include:  Elections Methods Infomational Update, Caring for our Children, Pesticides & Biocides and Cybersecurity.  These studies are linked on our Advocacy page.  Study completion is only with majority agreement of all League members in the State. Many thanks to all who participated in developing this information.


Stay informed on local news.  Receive the monthly e-newsletter from Clackamas County.  sign up   From this link you can also sign up for more detailed regular news updates from our County

CD5 2022 candidate_photo_students.jpg

Missed the Forum for the 5th U.S. Congressional District? See Voting/Elections  & scroll down to view. Our Elections page has everything you need to vote, Voters Guides, Candidate Video Interviews, Ballot Measure Pros & Cons and more.


Young voters (ages 18 – 29) are invited to create videos under a minute long that motivate others to vote in every election: local, state and federal.


We are volunteers with the League of Women Voters, a citizens’ organization that has fought since 1920 to improve our government and engage all citizens in the decisions that impact their lives. We share stories, tips and how-tos to make sure you have the tools and confidence to actively engage our community. Named after one of the founders of the League of Women Voters, Alice Paul.  Exercise your vote! 

Vote Flag

Voting is the most powerful way to have your voice heard. It is the core of our democracy. It is your chance to stand up for what matters to you most and impact the issues affecting you, your community, and the future.  The League offers many tools to help you make informed choices.  The information presented on this page is part of the League's Voter Service work which is non-partisan (not endorsing any position, candidate or political party).  We provide resources and represent all sides equally.