School & Learning during COVID-19 Times
An Update on Distance & In-Person Learning Considerations
Dr. Lora de la Cruz, Superintendent LOSD
Mete Bakircioglu, Lake Oswego Student
Since March, local students have been “going to school” via distance learning in virtual classrooms. On October 30, Governor Kate Brown announced new health metric guidelines for Oregon school districts. The Lake Oswego School District anticipates beginning in-person school for children in kindergarten soon. With five months of COVID-19 school from home experience, Dr. De la Cruz and Mete Bakircioglu will share with us what their experiences are and what future plans might include. The LWVCC general meetings are open to the public. Invite your friends and neighbors to meet and learn with us.
To participate/RSVP contact Nancy Murray at n.murray.01 [at] hotmail.com. You will be sent a ZOOM link and the call-in telephone numbers the evening of Monday, November 16 or the morning of Tuesday, November 17.
If you already have a specific question for either of the presenters, please send them to Robina Ingram-Rich at ringram.rich [at] gmail.com or by text to 503-679-4781.