Financial Inequities in the Criminal Justice System is a two-part series via Zoom that will look at how current policies and practices disproportionately impact the already economically disadvantaged members of our communities.
The series is being offered through the Civic Education Committee of the League of Women Voters Central Delaware County in co-sponsorship with the NAACP Media Branch.
Part 2 - “Post-trial: Conviction, Consequences, and Costs” Panelists will discuss the economic impact of incarceration & criminal record on prisoners, parolees and families, employment prospects, social impacts, court fees, etc. and possible solutions.
Event Date & Time: Wednesday, June 16, 2021 12:00 - 1:30 pm
Panel Moderator - Lee Awbrey Delaware County Public Defender’s Office
- Andrew Christy, ACLU Pennsylvania
- PA House Rep Mike Zabel - Judiciary Committee, Sub Committee for Crimes and Corrections, Juvenile Justice Task Force
- Maurice Q. Jones, General Manager People Advancing Reintegration Recycle Works
Registration for each session is separate, so you may register for one or both webinars.
The presentation(s) is FREE but to receive the link to the Zoom Virtual Meeting via email you MUST register.
TO REGISTER for Part 2 - Click Here
Event Contact: Ralf Graves ralfgraves [at] comcast.net , Civic Education Chair