The League of Women Voters of Delaware County, PA are working as a team to produce and share videos for social media platforms on the issues of voter registration, mail-in ballots, and Vote 411. The video project team is made up of members from the LWV Radnor Township and LWV Central Delaware County.
This page features videos about Vote411. Vote411 is the League of Women Voters Education Fund resource to use to: Find Your Polling Place, Build Your Ballot With Our Online Voters' Guide to Compare Candidates, and Register to Vote. Please share videos on social media outlets and websites. To share just copy & paste captions, text and the video link into the appropriate locations on each social media post.
He's A Young Man Who Uses Vote411.org If you know the candidates - regardless of your party affiliation - you can make an informed decision. Get the election info you need. Like, watch, & share this video from the LWV Radnor/CentralDelCo. https://youtu.be/V_aKgnItVBE
He's A Dad Who Uses Vote411.org There's lots of talk and opinion about candidates. Get the info YOU need to make YOUR decision. Like, watch, & share this video from the LWV Radnor/CentralDelCo. https://youtu.be/V3CVQP_7MD4
He's A Student Who Uses Vote411.org First time voter? Unsure about the process and the candidates? Get the info you need to start a lifetime of good voting habits. Like, watch, & share this video from the LWV Radnor/CentralDelCo. https://youtu.be/wx5xsVpM0z4
She Uses Vote411.org All the parties. All the candidates. All the info you need. Find it ALL at Vote411.org. Like, watch, & share this video from the LWV Radnor/CentralDelCo. https://youtu.be/U3XQj2F2BYA
He's A Principal Who Uses Vote411.org This principal encourages students to ask questions. Questions are good - ask a few yourself. Find the info you need about all candidates of all parties at Vote411.org. Like, watch, & share this video from the LWV Radnor/CentralDelCo. https://youtu.be/KqB4zsB_dmg
This Mechanic Knows About Vote411.org Still not sure who to vote for? Get all the nonpartisan info you need at Vote411.org. Like, watch, & share this video from the LWV Radnor/CentralDelCo. https://youtu.be/R67ynFR_xs4
She's an Environmentalist and Uses Vote411.org Which candidate speaks to your needs? Get informed on ALL the candidates of ALL parties at Vote411.org. Like, watch, & share this video from the LWV Radnor/CentralDelCo. https://youtu.be/RoZGniDigYM
She's A High School Student Who Uses Vote411.org Want to vote smart? Do your research! It's easy, comprehensive, and nonpartisan at Vote411.org. Like, watch, & share this video from the LWV Radnor/CentralDelCo. https://youtu.be/7nyDKFI1YkE
She's A Pastor Who Uses Vote411.org No one should tell you how to vote. That decision is YOURS. Find out about all the candidates at the nonpartisan site Vote411.org. Like, watch, & share this video from the LWV Radnor/CentralDelCo. https://youtu.be/AREzSjk-3Z0
She's A Student Who Uses Vote411.org Just the facts! That's what you'll get when you research any candidate at the nonpartisan site Vote411.org. Like, watch, & share this video from the LWV Radnor/CentralDelCo. https://youtu.be/cE3y63-dxSI
She Cooks and Uses Vote411.org This cook knows that experimenting with recipes is great, but not with voting. Get all you need to make the decision for yourself at Vote411.org. Like, watch, & share this video from the LWV Radnor/CentralDelCo. https://youtu.be/W6SnYLHN_H8
She's A Journalist Who Uses Vote411.org Want to make an informed decision on election day? Get the scoop on all the candidates at Vote411.org. Like, watch, & share this video from the LWV Radnor/CentralDelCo. https://youtu.be/tFUSSRh5ctA
She's A Nurse Who Uses Vote411.org This nurse knows her patients. Get to know your candidates with the nonpartisan site Vote411.org. Like, watch, & share this video from the LWV Radnor/CentralDelCo. https://youtu.be/KtBhMDyT18k
She's for Gun Safety and Uses Vote411.org Good research is your friend in selecting a candidate. Get all the information you need at the nonpartisan Vote411.org. Like, watch, & share this video from the LWV Radnor/CentralDelCo. https://youtu.be/6_7524_C0iE
He's A Smart User of Vote411.org How can you make a good decision if you don't have all the info? Learn about ALL the candidates of ALL the parties at Vote411.org. Like, watch, & share this video from the LWV Radnor/CentralDelCo. https://youtu.be/b7NaFabYwRU
He's an Engineer Who Uses Vote411.org Are you a new U.S. citizen? Get all the info you need about all the candidates, all the parties, and all the issues at Vote411.org. Like, watch, & share this video from the LWV Radnor/CentralDelCo. https://youtu.be/mPrBS-tU_bY
He's A Pastor Who Uses Vote411.org Know before you go...to vote, that is. Visit Vote411.org to get the nonpartisan info you need. Like, watch, & share this video from the LWV Radnor/CentralDelCo. https://youtu.be/urTT_PCw3_A
She's a Professional Who Uses Vote411.org You understand your friends. You understand your family. Now you need to understand your candidates. Like, watch, & share this video from the LWV Radnor/CentralDelCo. https://youtu.be/FiMfhlHI5wA
NOTE: Some suggested Social Media # (hash tag) posts are: #LeagueOfWomenVoters. #NonPartisan #vote411 #GetInformed #candidate #vote #VoteVoteVote #Vote2020 #VoteEarly #VotingMatters #bipartisan #2020elections #ElectionTwitter #InformedVoter #StayInformed #BeInformed #VoteForChange
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