Stay Safe Vote by Mail
No-Excuse Mail-in Ballots
The passage of Act 77, the 2019 Election Reform Act, now allows for both absentee ballots -- if you cannot get to the polls on Election Day -- and "no-excuse mail-in" ballots, if you do not qualify for an absentee ballot and simply want to vote by mail.
VotesPA Video - Mail-In Voting in Pennsylvania
How-to Voting Guide: Mail-in Ballot CLICK HERE
VOTE by Mail-in or Absentee Ballot:
1- APPLY for an absentee ballot or mail-in ballot online Click Here to Apply Online or Print Application Click Here for Mail-in Ballot Application and/or Click Here for Absentee Ballot Application and mail or delivery in person to the Delaware County Election Bureau
201 W. Front St. Media, PA 19063-5337.
2- PROCESSING YOUR APPLICATION - Your application will be processed using the Department of State SURE database. Once the processing is complete you will recieve communication that your application was recieved and the ballot will be mailed to you.
3 - COMPLETE YOUR BALLOT - Once your ballot is received fill out your mail as soon as possible following the directions sent to you from the Election Bureau and return it via USPS or bring it in person to the Delaware County Election Bureau 201 W. Front St. Media, PA 19063-5337.
4 - BALLOT DEADLINE - Ballots MUST BE RETURNED to the Delaware County Election Bureau on Election Day by 8:00 p.m..
NOTE: This process can take a week or more by mail to request a ballot, have the ballot sent to you and send your ballot back to the County Bureau of Elections to be received by the deadline. If it is close to the election, you can go in person to the County Election Bureau and complete all steps at once. The Delaware County Bureau of Elections is located on the ground floor.
201 W. Front St.
Media, PA 19063-5337
TIPS for Mail-in Ballot Application: You will need your PA Driver's License number or PA ID number and if known your polling location. When you start the process for a Mail-in No Excuse ballot, you will encounter 3 questions that you will respond No to the questions. This will allow you to apply for a No Excuse Application. See the questions below:
Are you a military or overseas civilian absentee voter? Answer No
Are you applying for a ballot because you are absent from your municipality for the upcoming election? Answer No
Are you applying for a ballot for the upcoming election because you have an illness or physical disability? Answer No
NOTE: If you do not have a PA Drivers License or PA ID you will need to use the paper version of the Mail-in Ballot Application where you can write in the last four digits of your Social Security Number.
Permanent Absentee Ballots
If you have health issues and can no longer come to the polls, you can apply for a Permanent Absentee Ballot which must be signed by a doctor so that an absentee ballot is sent to you automatically before each election. Once you are on the list for a permanent ballot, you will have an absentee ballot application mailed to you on the first Monday in February each year. When you complete the application, an absentee ballot will be mailed to you for each election that year.
Emergency Absentee Ballots
Voters who experience an emergency after 5 p.m. on the Friday before the election so that they cannot be at the polls on Election Day may apply for an emergency absentee ballot. You can apply for an Emergency Absentee Ballot via the Court of Common Pleas (application is filed in the Bureau of Elections). If you are not able to appear in court to receive the ballot, you can designate, in writing, a representative to deliver the absentee ballot to you and return your completed absentee ballot to the Bureau of Elections. See further instructions . The voted ballot must be received in the Bureau of Elections no later than 8 p.m. on election day. Act 77 permits more than one voter to designate the same person to deliver their ballot, for example, a care giver in a nursing home or a hospital nurse.
For further information contact: Delaware County Election Bureau:
Government Center Bldg.
201 W. Front St.
Media, PA 19063-5337