What are the best ways to control pests, while also protecting our environment and people’s health? To supplement our state study, the Portland League presents a panel discussion on what Oregonians should know about pesticides. The distinguished panel, moderated by study co-chair Paula Grisafi, includes:
- Amelia Nestor, Chair of the LWVOR study and Senior Scientist at Northwest Green Chemistry
- Andrea Sonnet, Lead Investigator, Pesticides Program, Oregon Dept. of Agriculture
- Kevin Masterson, Toxics Coordinator, Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality
You’ll have a chance to meet our new board members and also view a panel discussion on “Pesticides: Balancing Benefits & Risks” to prepare us for next month’s consensus meetings on the very impressive LWVOR study, Pesticides and Other Biocides. We’re very grateful to the Portland League for making this program available to all Leagues in the state
You’ll have a chance to meet our new board members, view this panel discussion, followed by our own discussion. All to prepare us for next month’s consensus meetings on the very impressive LWVOR study, Pesticides and Other Biocides. We’re very grateful to the Portland League for making this program available to all Leagues in the state:
Preparing for Consensus
All members will soon be mailed a packet containing a copy of Pesticides and Other Biocides,along with the consensus questions. We urge you to take the time to read the study and look over the questions before October unit meetings. You’ll have a choice of three unit meetings to attend. During those meetings, members discuss the consensus questions in a small group format and then submit their answers to a state League committee, who is tasked with crafting a state League position on pesticides.
Contact Nancy Murray to register: n.murray01 [at] hotmail.com (). A link will be sent to you the morning of the event.