ACTION ALERT: HCR029 Traumatic Childhood Experiences

ACTION ALERT: HCR029 Traumatic Childhood Experiences

2022 HCR029 Action Alert Senators
Time Range For Action Alert: 
Feb 07 2022 to Feb 10 2022

Description: The LWVID and its BRACEs Committee (Building Resilience with ACEs Interventions) worked with legislators and the Idaho Resilience Project to present this concurrent resolution. For information about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the committee, click on BRACEs

This resolution highlights recent advances in understanding the impact of adverse childhood experiences on an individual's future outcomes; encourages state officers, agencies, and employees to become informed regarding well-documented detrimental short-term and long-term impacts to children and adults from serious traumatic childhood experiences; and encourages state officers, agencies, and employees to implement evidence-based interventions and practices that are proven to be successful in developing resiliency in children and adults currently suffering from trauma-related disorders. No fiscal impact. 

Resolution status: It will receive a public hearing next week in the Senate Health & Welfare Committee on Thursday, Feb. 10th. If it is passed there, it will be voted on by the full Senate. 

Important Action: Write or call the Senate Health & Welfare Committee and your own Senator before February 10th. Since this is a different committee, you can basically use the same letter you wrote before.

o   You can reach all committee members by calling and leaving a message OR sending your written message to Lena Amoah, secretary of the Senate Health & Welfare Committee (Phone: 208-332-1319 or e-mail: shel [at] Ask her to forward your message to all members. 

o   To contact your Senator, go here: Who's My Legislator? Enter your address, click on “Find My Legislator” and click on their names to find their contact information. 

Suggested message: Please vote YES on Resolution HCR 29. (If you have been directly or indirectly impacted by adverse childhood experiences, consider sharing your story with your legislator to help them understand the importance of this resolutionInclude your name and address at the end of your message to identify yourself as a constituent.)


Talking Points: (If you wish, include talking points from below using your own words)

  • This bipartisan resolution was supported unanimously by the Idaho Behavioral Health Council and complements its Strategic Action Plan.
  • This resolution encourages state agencies to learn about and implement evidence-based interventions and mitigations that fit their programs and clients to increase resiliency in traumatized youth and adults. 

From the Idaho Resilience Project:

  • Safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and environments can have a positive impact on a broad range of health issues and on the development of skills that will help kids and adults reach their full potential, in spite of having ACEs. The more protective factors that exist in a child’s life, such as connection to a caring adult, the more likely the negative impacts of ACEs can be decreased and resilience increased.
  • Increased awareness of parenting and child development strategies that support healthy connections with a child can help strengthen families and build increased parental resilience.
Issues referenced by this action alert: 
This action alert is related to which committees: 
BRACES: Building Resilience with ACEs interventions