To register to vote or check your voter registration online, go to VoteIdaho.gov and scroll down to either “New/Update Voter Registration” or “Check Your Voter Record.”
Or use this handy QR code with your cellphone:
April 26 - Preregistration Deadline for the May 21st election if you want to request an absentee ballot. HOWEVER, you can still register at Early Voting (May 6-17) or at the polls on May 21st, Election Day!
NOTE: Party Affiliation Deadlines: The deadline to switch parties was March 15th, so if you are already registered with a party, it's too late to switch.
- If you are a registered Republican, you can request either a Republican or a Democratic ballot because the Democratic primary is an open primary.
- If you are a registered Democrat, Constitution, or Libertarian party member, you cannot request a Republican ballot because it is a closed primary.
- If you are registered as “Unaffiliated,” you can affiliate with the party of your choice AT ANY TIME, including at the polls, in order to vote in that party’s Primary Election by either 1) filling out a voter affiliation form, or 2) indicating which ballot you wish to receive on your absentee ballot request form, or 3) telling the poll worker when you receive your ballot at Early Voting or on Election Day.
- New voters can also affiliate when registering during Early Voting or on Election Day.
Caution: New and Unaffiliated Voters: If you choose to vote on the Republican, Constitution, or Libertarian ballot, YOU WILL THEN BE REGISTERED with that party. If you want to change your affiliation back to “Unaffiliated” or another party, you may do so after the election.
May 6-17 – Early Voting (if offered in your county) YOU MAY REGISTER TO VOTE AND THEN VOTE WHEN YOU GO – just like being at the polls on election day. Bring proper ID and proof of address to register! (Remember: If you moved since last voting, you must re-register!)
May 10 – Last day to request an absentee ballot. Go to VoteIdaho.gov to request it online. If you are a registered Republican, you can request either a Republican or Democratic ballot, but if you are a Democrat, you cannot request a Republican ballot because it is a closed primary. If you are
“Unaffiliated,” you can select which party’s ballot you want, but selecting Republican, Constitution, or Libertarian will automatically change your affiliation to that party. Mail your ballot by USPS or drop it off at your County Election Office or official Ballot Box. IT MUST ARRIVE BY 8 pm MAY 21st!
- If already registered, bring your photo ID to the polls.
- If not already registered, or if you moved since you last voted, you may register (or re-register) at the polls as long as you bring proper photo ID and proof of address.
May 22- Voter Registration Reopens: VOTERS CAN CHANGE PARTY AFFILIATION!