Bylaws and Policies

Bylaws and Policies



(As amended and adopted June 2024)


The name of this organization shall be the League of Women Voters of Bucks County, hereinafter referred to  as LWVBC. The LWVBC is an integral part of the League of Women Voters of the United States, hereinafter  referred to as LWVUS, and the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania, hereinafter referred to as LWVPA. 

ARTICLE II Purpose and Policy 

Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of the LWVBC shall be to promote political responsibility through informed  and active participation in government, and to act on selected governmental issues. 

Section 2. Political Policy. The LWVBC may take action on local government measures and policies in the  public interest in conformity with the principles of the LWVUS and the LWVPA. The LWVBC shall not  support or oppose any political party or any candidate. 

Section 3. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy. The LWVBC is fully committed to ensure compliance - in  principle and in practice - with LWVUS' Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy.

Section 4. Tax Exempt Status. The LWVBC is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and  educational purposes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding section of  any future federal tax code. Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Articles, the LWVBC shall not  continue any other activities not permitted to be carried on by a corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax  under such provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. No substantial part of the expenditures of the LWVBC  shall be incurred to influence legislation.

ARTICLE III Membership 

Section 1. Eligibility. Any person who subscribes to the purpose and the policy of the League shall be eligible  for membership. 

Section 2. Types of Membership  

A. Voting Members. All persons at least 16 years of age who join LWVBC shall be voting members of  LWVBC, LWVPA and of the LWVUS. Those who have been members of the League for 50 years or  more shall be life members excused from the payment of dues. B. Associate Members. All others who join LWVBC shall be associate members. 

ARTICLE IV Officers 

Section 1. Enumeration and Election of Officers. The Officers of the LWVBC shall be a President, (Vice  President(s) or Co-Presidents), a Secretary, and a Treasurer. They shall be elected at the Annual Meeting and  shall hold office for two years or until their successors have been elected and qualified. If the Nominating  Committee is not able to find a candidate(s) for President (or Co-President) from the current membership, the  Board will then select an Executive Committee to assume the functions of the  President until the next Annual Meeting. All further mention of ‘President’ shall also apply to ‘Co-Presidents’ or ‘Executive Committee’ when such is in leadership.

Section 2. The President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of  Directors unless designating a member of the Board to preside instead. The President, in  the absence of or disability of the Treasurer, may sign or endorse checks, drafts, and notes. The President shall be an ex officio member of all committees. The President shall have such  usual powers of supervision and management as may pertain to the Office of President and perform such other  duties as may be designated by the Board. In the event of the absence, resignation, disability, or death of a  President, the Board of Directors shall select one of its members to fill the vacancy. 

Section 3. The Vice President(s). If there is a President and Vice President(s), the Vice  President(s) shall perform such duties as the President and the Board of Directors may designate.  The Vice President(s) shall, in the event of the absence, resignation, disability or death of the  President, possess all the powers and perform all the duties of that office. In the event the Vice President(s)  is/are unable to serve in this capacity, the Board of Directors shall select one of its members to fill the vacancy. 

Section 4. The Secretary. The Secretary shall keep and disseminate minutes of all meetings of the Board of  Directors and of the Annual Meeting; shall notify all officers and directors of their election; shall sign, with the  President, all contracts and other instruments when so authorized by the Board; and shall  perform such other functions as may be incident to the office. 

Section 5. The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect and receive all moneys due; shall be the custodian of  these moneys, shall deposit them in an authorized financial institution designated by the Board of Directors,  and shall disburse the same only upon order of the Board of Directors or the President, if disbursement is more  than $250. The Treasurer shall present periodic statements to the Board at its regular meetings and an annual  report to the Annual Meeting. 

ARTICLE V Board of Directors 

Section I. Number, Manner of Selection and Term of Office. The Board of Directors shall consist of the  officers of the LWVBC, at least six elected directors and directors appointed at the discretion of the Board.  The President, and at least four directors shall be elected in odd-numbered years for a  two-year term. In even-numbered years, the Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and  at least two directors shall be elected for a two-year period. Officers and elected directors shall serve until the  conclusion of their two-year term or until their successors have been qualified and elected. The elected  members shall appoint additional directors as they deem necessary to continue the work of the LWVBC. The  term of office of the appointed directors shall expire at the conclusion of the following Annual Meeting.

Section 2. Qualifications. No person shall be elected or appointed or shall continue to serve as an officer or  director of this organization unless a voting member of LWVBC. 

Section 3. Vacancies. Any vacancy other than the President occurring in the Board of Directors by reason of  the resignation, death or disqualification of an officer or elected member may be filled by majority vote of the  remaining members of the Board of Directors. 

Section 4. Powers and Duties. The Board of Directors shall have full charge of the property and business of the LWVBC with full power and authority to manage and conduct the same, subject to the instructions of the  Annual Meeting. The Board shall plan and direct the work necessary to conduct the program on local governmental matters as adopted by the Annual Meeting. The Board shall create and designate such special  committees as it may deem necessary. 

Section 5. Regular Meetings. There shall be at least four regular meetings of the Board of Directors annually.  The President shall notify each member of the Board of Directors not less than one week  before the date of the meeting. Meetings may be held in person or via electronic services such as  teleconferencing. 

Section 6. Special Meetings. The President may call special meetings of the Board of  Directors and shall call a special meeting upon the written request of three members of the Board. Members of  the Board shall be notified of special meetings through electronic communications. Official Board decisions  that are needed in a timely manner may be made by email or electronic voting when deemed necessary by the  President or any other Board member. 

Section 7. Quorum. A majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum. 

Section 8. Management Team. There shall be a Management Team comprised of the President (the Vice  President(s) or Co-President), the Secretary, the Treasurer, and members of the Board chosen by the President. The Management Team shall have the power to act on matters arising between the regular  or special meetings of the Board and their action must be presented to the Board at its next regular Board  meeting.

Section 9. Non-Officer Members. The non-officer members will fill the positions of Communication Director,  Membership Director, Voter Services Director, Action (or Advocacy) Director, Development Director, Events Coordinator, and other positions as defined by the Board of Directors. 

ARTICLE VI Financial Administration 

Section 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the LWVBC shall commence on the first of July of each year. 

Section 2. Budget Committee. The Budget shall be prepared by a committee consisting of at least two  members who shall be appointed for that purpose by the LWVBC Board at least three months in advance of  the annual Meeting. In addition, the Treasurer shall be ex officio member of the Budget Committee but shall  not be eligible to serve as chair. 

Section 3. Budget. The LWVBC Board shall submit to the Annual Meeting for adoption a budget for the  ensuing year. A copy of the proposed budget shall be sent to the membership at least six weeks in advance of  the Annual Meeting. The notice may be sent through mail or electronic communication. 

Section 4. Distribution of Funds on Dissolution. In the event of the merger or dissolution of LWVBC, for any  cause, all monies and securities or other property of whatsoever nature which may at the time be owned by or  under the absolute control of the LWVBC shall be distributed at the discretion of the board, or such other  persons as shall be charged by law with the liquidation or winding up of LWVBC and its affairs, to any  member organization of the League of Women Voters national organization which is exempt under Section  501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code; if none of  these organizations are then in existence or exempt under those tax provisions, then, at the discretion of the board, to another organization which is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational  purposes and which has established its tax exempt status under such designated tax provisions. (Pending final  approval of 501(c)(3) status by the IRS.)

Section 5. Review of Financial Records. The books of the Treasurer shall be reviewed annually, and a report  made to the Board by two members appointed at the annual meeting. The Board may authorize an audit of the  financial records in lieu of the annual review by the members at their discretion. 

Section 6. Reimbursement of Directors. The Board of Directors shall serve without compensation other than  reimbursement for travel, lodging, conference fees, etc., for actual expenses incurred for their volunteer work  and authorized in advance by the Board of Directors. 

ARTICLE VII Annual Meeting 

Section 1. Date. An Annual Meeting of LWVBC shall be held each year. A notice of the Annual Meeting to  the membership will be sent no less than three months prior to the date of the Annual Meeting. The notice may  be sent through mail or electronic communication. 

Section 2. Powers. The Annual Meeting shall consider and authorize for action a program, a budget, elect  officers and directors, and transact such other business as may be presented. 

Section 3. Quorum. A quorum shall consist of 10% of the membership. Absentee or proxy voting shall not be  permitted. 

Section 4. Directions to the Board. The Annual meeting shall provide an opportunity for the members to  provide directions to the board. 

ARTICLE VIII Nominations and Elections 

Section 1. Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of five members, two of whom  shall be members of the Board of Directors. The Chairman and two members shall not be members of the  Board of Directors and shall be elected at the Annual Meeting at the time of election of officers and board  directors. Nominations for these members shall be made by the current Nominating Committee. The Board of  Directors shall appoint the other members of the Committee. Vacancies occurring in the Nominating  Committee shall be filled by the Board of Directors. The nominating committee will provide nominees for  officers, directors, succeeding members of the nominating committee and other volunteer positions as directed  by the Board of Directors. 

Section 2. Suggestions for Nominations. The Chairman of the Nominating Committee shall request  suggestions for nominations for officers, directors, and nominating committee member positions to be filled.  Any member may send suggestions to the Chairman of the Nominating Committee. 

Section 3. Report of the Nominating Committee and Nomination from the Floor. The report of the Nominating  Committee of its nominations for officers, directors, and the chairman and two members of the succeeding  Nominating Committee shall be sent to the membership two weeks before the date of the Annual Meeting. The  notice may be sent through mail or electronic communication. The report of the Nominating Committee shall  be presented at the Annual Meeting. Immediately following the presentation of this report, nominations may be made from the floor by any member present at the Annual Meeting, provided that the consent of the  nominee shall have been obtained. 

Section 4. Election. The election shall be by ballot; except when there is but one nominee for each office, it  shall be in order to move that the Secretary cast the ballot for every candidate. A majority vote of those  members voting at the Annual Meeting of the LWVBC shall constitute an election.

ARTICLE IX Program / Studies 

Section 1. Principles. The governmental principles adopted by the National Convention (and the LWVPA  referred to as Principles) and supported by the League of Women Voters as a whole, constitute the  authorization for the adoption of Program. 

Section 2. Program. The Program of the LWVBC shall consist of those local governmental issues chosen for  concerted study and action. 

Section 3. Annual Meeting Action. The Annual Meeting shall act upon the Program using the following  procedures: 

a.    Recommendations for the Program from individual members must be received by the LWVBC Board
at least two months prior to the Annual Meeting. 

b.   The L WVBC Board shall consider these recommendations and formulate a proposed Program which  shall be submitted to the membership at least two weeks before the Annual Meeting. 

c.   A three-fifths vote of those members voting at the Annual Meeting shall be required for the adoption  of the Program. 

d.   Any recommendations for Program submitted to the Board of Directors at least two months before the
Annual Meeting, but not proposed by the Board, may be adopted at the Annual Meeting by a three fifths vote of those members voting, provided consideration is ordered by a majority of those voting. 

ARTICLE X Parliamentary Authority 

The rules contained in the current Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the organization in all  cases to which they are applicable and in which they are consistent with these Bylaws. 

ARTICLE XI Personal Use of Corporate Funds Prohibited 

Section 1. Personal Use of LWVBC Funds. No LWVBC funds shall be used for the personal use by any  Member, Director, Officer, Employee, or other person or entity associated therewith, and similarly no League  asset will inure to personal benefit of any such person or entity.

ARTICLE XII Liability 

Section 1. Contracts, Liability. No officer or committee of the LWVBC, or any other person, shall contract or  incur any debt on behalf of the LWVBC, pledge the LWVBC's credit, or in any way render it liable, in any  amount more than $500 unless authorized by the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE XIII Indemnification 

Section 1. General. The LWVBC shall indemnify each of its Directors, each of its Officers, each of its  employees designated for indemnification by the LWVBC Board of Directors, and each member of a  committee, for the defense of civil proceedings as hereinafter provided in this Article.


Section 2. Non-Derivative Action. In case of action other than one by or on behalf of the LWVBC to procure a  judgment in its favor, the LWVBC shall indemnify each of its Directors, Officers, employees, or committee  members, as aforesaid, from and against all judgments, fines, amounts paid in settlement, and reasonable  expenses, including attorney's fees, actually and necessarily incurred as a result of such action imposed or  asserted against such Director, Officer, employee or committee member, as aforesaid, by reason of his or her  being or having been a Director, Officer, employee, or committee member, as aforesaid, but only in the event  that a determination shall have been made, either judicially or in the manner hereinafter provided, that such  Director, Officer, employee, or committee member, as aforesaid, acted in good faith for a purpose which he or  she reasonably believed to be in the best interest of LWVBC. This indemnification shall be made only if the  LWVBC shall be advised by its Board that the Director, Officer, employee, or committee member, as  aforesaid, has met the aforestated standard of conduct. In rendering such advice, the Board shall act either (1)  by a quorum consisting of Directors who are not parties to such action, or (2) if such a quorum is not attainable  with due diligence, upon the opinion in writing of independent legal counsel. If the foregoing determination is  to be made by the Board, it may rely, as to all questions of law, on the advice of independent legal counsel.

Section 3. Derivative Action. In the case of an action by or on behalf of LWVBC to procure a judgment in its  favor, the League shall indemnify each of its Directors, Officers, employees, or committee members, as  aforesaid, from and against the reasonable expenses, including attorney's fees actually and necessarily incurred  by any such Director, Officer, employee, or committee member, as aforesaid, in connection with such action or  an appeal therefrom, except with respect to matters as to which such Director, Officer, employee, or committee member, as aforesaid, is adjudged, pursuant to the method described in Section 2, immediately above, to have  breached his or her duty to the LWVBC by not discharging his or her obligation to the LWVBC in good faith  and with reasonable degree of diligence, care, and skill which ordinarily prudent men or women would  exercise under similar circumstances in like positions.

Section 4. Applicability. Every reference in this Article to a Director of the LWVBC shall include every  Director, Officer, employee, or committee member, as aforesaid, thereof, or former Director, Officer,  employee, or committee member, as aforesaid, thereof. The right of indemnification herein provided shall be in  addition to any and all rights to which any Director, Officer, employee, or committee member, as aforesaid, of  the LWVBC otherwise might be entitled, and the provision hereof shall neither impair nor adversely affect  such rights.

ARTICLE XIV Amendments 

Section 1. Amendments to ARTICLE I and ARTICLE II, Sections 1, 2, and 3

No amendments may be made to ARTICLE I and ARTICLE II, Sections 1, 2, and 3 by the local League  chapter.

Section 2. Amendments to ARTICLES III through X and ARTICLE XIV  

Amendments to Bylaws in the above sections may be made by a two-thirds vote of those voting at any Annual Meeting, using the following procedures: 

a.    Proposals for change shall be submitted by any member to the LWVBC Board at least two months prior to the Annual Meeting. 

b.   All such proposed amendments, together with the recommendations of the Board, shall be sent to  the membership at least six weeks prior to the Annual Meeting.