Bucks County

Bucks County


The League of Women Voters of Bucks County, a nonpartisan organization, is dedicated to providing voter education and services and advocating for issues.  We envision a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge and the confidence to participate.  We are committed to creating and promoting a diverse and inclusive environment in our organization and in the areas in which we work.


Press Mention
Published in The Philadelphia Inquirer
league of women voters
Public Statement

WASHINGTON — The League of Women Voters of the United States president Dianna Wynn and CEO Celina Stewart released the following statement on the 2024 election results:

Blog Post

The Lenape people were the first inhabitants of the lands now known as Bucks County. Many of the county parks, historic sites, nature centers, educational institutions and place names in Bucks County acknowledge the Lenape’s role as the original caretakers of this land through exhibits and signage.

Blog Post
By Barbara Sperry, LWVBC Member
generic calendar picture
There are no upcoming local events.  Check back for updates.
Bucks County Women's Journal.  The only educational newspaper serving the women of Bucks County

The Bucks County Board of Elections makes every effort to ensure that our elections are an accurate reflection of the will of the voters. To allay any concerns voters may have about the security of our elections, the League of Women Voters explains the many safeguards put in place by Pennsylvania laws and the Bucks County Board of Elections in the August/September 2024 edition of the Bucks County Women's Journal.

Blog Post

Native American Heritage Month is a time to celebrate the traditions, languages and stories of Native American, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, and affiliated Island communities and ensure their rich histories and contributions continue to thrive with each passing generation.