Local Happenings

Local Happenings

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November 21, 6:00 pm. Virtual on Zoom.  Delaware Valley University One Health Seminar:  

“Conservation, Climate, and Communities: Putting One Health in Practice for Resilience” by Catherine Machalaba, EcoHealth Alliance.  The triple planetary crisis has myriad implications for health and wellbeing, requiring strategic and coordinated decisions and actions to tackle present and future threats. One Health is increasingly being embraced as a way to bring together sectors to more fully assess risks and design solutions in ways that minimize trade-offs and maximize co-benefits. Insights from work in Liberia, Ghana, South Africa and the US provide key lessons learned from One Health in practice, including to advance the environmental dimension of One Health. An overview of recent One Health initiatives at the global level will also be presented to reflect on progress and ways forward.  The lectures are open to the public at no cost. All are welcome!  Register here.