First Tuesday Nov 1: League Child Care Study

First Tuesday Nov 1: League Child Care Study


Tuesday, November 1, 2022 - 11:45am to 1:00pm

Join us by zoom to hear the findings of a statewide study on child care by the League of Women Voters.

Approximately 900,000 Virginia children ages 0-12 with working parents need childcare, yet there are less than half of the needed child-care slots available.  A Child Care Study Committee of The League of Women Voters of Virginia has completed a report on the problem and possible solutions for improving childcare in the state.
Maria Posey, study chair, will present the study’s findings to the Montgomery County League's  First Tuesday Talk at 11:45 a.m. on Nov. 1st .  Invite local parents you know to attend and share their experiences.
At the end of Ms. Posey’s report,  League members will review the study’s findings and reach consensus on recommendations for how to improve childcare in Virginia.

Included in the study’s findings are

  • There aren’t enough providers, especially in rural counties, for infant care and for after-school programs. …
  • Child care is also unaffordable to hundreds of thousands of families, requiring parents making the median wage or below to spend up to 30% of their incomes on childcare. This means women especially leave the workforce while children aren’t adequately prepared for kindergarten and miss out on the benefits of after-school enrichment activities.

The full report on the Child Care Study can be found at the LWV-VA website under Positions and Studies or by clicking this link:  
We have invited local Leagues from around the state to join us for this important presentation.

Contact Information
Elizabeth Obenshain
eaobenshain [at]
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