For information on voter registration and how to vote, please see our Voting page.
411.org is a very useful website which allows you to see all the races in your precinct and detail about each candidate based upon your address. With your personalized guide, you will:
- see everything that will be on your ballot,
- compare candidates' positions side-by-side,
- print out a personalized ballot with your choices to take with you on Election Day.
Government Voter Resources
Virginia Department of Elections
State laws concerning registration, voting, and candidate criteria are subject to change by the Virginia General Assembly. By visiting the Citizen Portal at Virginia Department of Elections, you'll be sure to have the latest information.
Services offered include:
- Check your voter registration status
- Find & verify your polling place
- Voting absentee
- Voter ID requirements
- What is on your ballot
- Common questions about voting
- Election results
- Contact your local voter registration office
Who's My Legislator?
Use Virginia's Who's My Legislator? tool to find your current state legislative Representative and Senator based on your address.
State of Virginia
Montgomery County Office of Elections
Registrar: Connie Viar, 1546 N. Franklin Street, Christiansburg, VA, montva.com/vote, govote121 [at] montgomerycountyva.gov
Montgomery County Government Center
755 Roanoke Street, Christiansburg, VA 24073-3181, montva.com
What's My District?
As a result of redistricting, Montgomery County now has two Senate Districts (4 and 5) and two House Districts (41 and 42). Voting precincts have changed as well. Read more in our article, New Voting Districts or simply use Montgomery County's What's My District? map to find yours. Find the magnifying glass icon, enter your address, and use the tabs to view map layers to find your state and local districts, and voting location.
Virginia Redistricting Commission
The responsibility of drawing maps for congressional and state legislative districts passed from the Virginia Redistricting Commission (VRC) to the Supreme Court of Virginia (SCV) in November 2021. The Supreme Court (SCV) completed redistricting in December 2021, however the new maps are housed at virginiaredistricting.org. See the new districts for Montgomery County, VA here.
Citizen Voter Resources
Virginia Public Access Project
ballotpedia.org is an encyclopedia of American elections.
Tracking Legislation & Voting Records
Watchdog Organizations
All of these organizations are nonpartisan and nonprofit.
- FactCheck: This "consumer advocate" group monitors the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases.
- Federal Campaign Contributions--Open Secrets: The Center for Responsive Politics tracks money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy.
- Flackcheck.org: A political literacy companion site to factcheck.org that helps voters recognize deception and flaws in arguments on various issues of policy, such as climate change, the Affordable Care Act, and immigration.
- VerbAI: A collaboration with the League of Women Voters of Virginia: 2024 U.S. Election News: The Facts Curated from Leading Fact Checking Organizations.
- Virginia Public Access Project--VPAP: VPAP explores the role of money in Virginia politics. The site identifies donors, PACs, and more.
Election Protection Hotlines
Download this information on hotlines. Anyone with a question or concern about registration or voting can contact the hotline. Hotline volunteers answer and respond to a range of questions--from how and where to register, to where a polling location is, to clarifying voter ID requirements and obtaining an ID, to difficulties or electioneering at the polls. Additional information is on the website at http://www.866ourvote.org.
1-866-OUR-VOTE (Administered by the Lawyers' Committee), which will be live starting on September 23rd during business hours 9:30 AM-5:30 PM Eastern, M-F. Evening hours will be added closer to the election as volume increases (early-mid October) as well as weekends (mid-October). Voters can leave a message that will be returned within 1-2 business days
1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (Administered by NALEO)
Bilingual (English and Spanish)
Hours will expand closer to the election
1-888-API-VOTE (Administered by AAJC & APIA Vote)
Assistance in Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Korean, Bengali (may add Urdu, Hindi and Tagalog)
Voters can leave a message that will be returned.
The nonpartisan Election Protection coalition was formed to ensure that all voters have an equal opportunity to participate in the political process. Through its state of the art hotlines: 1-866-OUR-VOTE (administered by the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law) and 1-888-Ve-Y-Vota (administered by the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials Education Fund), its website, and comprehensive voter protection field programs across the country, it provides Americans from coast to coast with comprehensive voter information and advice on how they can make sure their vote is counted. The coalition includes more than 100 local, state and national partners, including the League of Women Voters.