Letter to the Editor of the Delaware County Daily Times (Published November 2024)
League of Women Voters working to empower voters
The League of Women Voters, both here and throughout the country, are steadfastly nonpartisan. We do not support any political party or candidate; we advocate for the right to vote and access to the vote.
We are carrying out our mission of defending democracy (small d) and educating and empowering voters. The League has been doing this for 104 years since women got the vote. This has been through Republican majorities and Democratic majorities both nationally and here in Delaware County.
Since the beginning of the year, the League of Women Voters throughout Delaware County have tabled at more than 60 community events, promoting voter registration and information, at senior expos, environmental events and international festivals. And we have made presentations at high schools and assisted living facilities alike.
Many of you have seen us and engaged with us at these events. We can guarantee you have not heard one of our volunteers ask a voter who they were going to vote for, refuse to help a voter due to their party affiliation or provide more help and information to the voters of one party over another. Never.
You did hear us educating voters about how to vote by mail and make your vote count. You did see us checking your voting status for you on vote.pa.gov and doing whatever we could to help you make sure your vote will count. We widely shared the League’s national voting resource guide Vote411.org.
You did see us demonstrating the new voting machines in 2020 before being shut down by the pandemic. And we watched closely as the new system was put into place to make sure there would be no cheating.
You will also see many, many League members throughout the county working at the polls, serving Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike and making sure the election is run fairly and freely. We also help in recruiting poll workers for our 428 polling places.
The League of Women Voters is nonpartisan. We fight against voter suppression and promote all voting rules, regulations and procedures that are already so airtight in our state that they are virtually impervious to fraud.
In League,
Roberta Winters, President League of Women Voters of Delaware County (ILO)
Anne Mosakowski, Pesident League of Women Voters of Central Delaware County
Gillian Norris-Szanto, President League of Women Voters of Radnor Township