For more than 50 years, the League of Women Voters of Idaho has steadfastly advocated for equal educational opportunities for every child in the state. Our mission has been to ensure that Idaho’s public education system remains strong, accessible, and equitable for all students. We have tirelessly fought to ensure that the state fulfills its constitutional obligation to fund a “general, uniform, and thorough system of public free common schools,” as outlined in Idaho’s Constitution.
The League is calling on every member to join the fight this year to protect public school funding against powerful forces intent on diverting taxpayer dollars to private and religious schools. This year, the stakes are higher than ever as threats to public education intensify. All statewide League members will be equipped with up-to-date background information and weekly updates regarding ongoing anti-public school funding efforts. Our members of the Legislative Action Committee are actively preparing to mobilize and take action in defense of public education.
The League’s all-out effort to resist the reduction of public school funding began on December 29, 2024, with an informative and timely panel discussion. The discussion featured expert guest panelist Julie Yamamoto, the former chair of the Idaho House Education Committee, who joined League members from across the state to examine the current threats to public school funding, including voucher schemes and the erosion of Idaho’s tax revenue. This panel provided crucial insights into how these efforts could undermine public schools and hurt students across the state.
Watch the Recording of the Panel Discussion: If you were unable to attend the live panel, don't worry—you can still access the valuable insights shared during this discussion. We encourage all League members, community members, and stakeholders to watch the recording of the panel to learn more about the ongoing threats to public school funding and how you can help defend public education in Idaho. The recording is available below and is a great way to stay informed and prepared to take action.