

We rely on donations to support our local Oxford programs. Donations to our general fund are not tax deductible but are critical to our local organization. All donations are appreciated, whether to our general fund (not tax-deductible) or our education fund (tax-deductible). Unless you specify that you want your donation to be applied otherwise, we will apply it to our general fund.  

You don't need a PayPal account - you can pay by credit/debit card on PayPal's site. If paying by PayPal, you'll receive a receipt via email from PayPal once your PayPal transaction is complete. 

If paying by check, you will receive a copy of this form via email to the email address you provide to us. It would be helpful (but not required) if you could print a copy of the form when mailing it with your donation check, payable to LWV Oxford, to:

League of Women Voters of Oxford
P.O. Box 504
Oxford, OH 45056

Donation Form

mobile or home phone number
Choose the designation of your contribution.
Please specify your donation amount. You'll have a chance to choose your payment method after submitting this form.
Please confirm you are human to prevent spam submissions.


Donations made to our general fund are not tax deductible but are critical to carrying out our mission.  Donations made to our education fund are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. 
Unless you state otherwise, your donation will be applied to our general fund. 


Contact us for more information.