August 2021 Celebrations

August 2021 Celebrations

Last year we moved our celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment and the League’s birthday to virtual environments but we’re making up for it this year with 2 celebrations!

Friday, August 13th: We’re pleased to be the food sponsor for the OCAC 2nd Friday event. We wanted to involve the public in our celebration and raise awareness of our organization, so we are partnering with Oxford Community Arts Center on this fun event. It begins at 6PM indoors and then moves to the outdoor pavilion for music at 7:30. Come for the food, the wine, the art, the music, and the camaraderie!

In addition, we would love to have you join us at 5PM on that date. We will start in the Uptown Park and march from there to the OCAC front porch, where a mayor’s proclamation commemorating Women’s Equality Day will be read at 5:30PM. We will have photos taken under the ratification banner that will be rehung this year. Some people will wear period clothes, some will wear white (as the suffragists did), some will wear whatever they normally wear on Friday night. Just plan to be there! Everyone is invited – members, families, the entire community. When we’re done outside, we’ll head inside for the 2nd Friday fun.

Thursday, August 26th: This date is Women’s Equality Day, designated as such in 1973 by the U.S. Congress to commemorate passage of the 19th amendment. We will meet at OCAC (time TBD) and march to the Uptown Park where the mayor’s proclamation will be read before the music starts at 7PM. Again, dress in white or dress as you like, just come and join us.

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