

A Study, usually lasting one or two years, is most often the first step in developing an official League position on an issue.  In short, a Study Committee researches the issue, presents it to the membership who comes to agreement or consensus on the issue, and a League position is developed. 

What Is The Study Process?

Study Committee members fashion consensus questions that are then asked of the membership as part of a study kit. Kits often include articles, books, data in the form of charts and graphs, videos, suggested speakers, discussion questions, and other resources. Members use the study kit internally and often with their community to better understand the issue. 

Consensus is the overall decision-making process by which substantial agreement among members is reached on an issue. Often this happens over the course of several meetings, but may include surveys and other methods. If the members reach consensus, the board forms recommended positions based on that consensus. Those recommendations are submitted to the Study Committee.


LWV Oregon

Election Methods Informational Update, Adopted on February 10, 2023
Caring for Our Children, Adopted on January 23, 2023/span>

Pesticides and Biocides Study of 2021, adopted on January 19, 2023

Cybersecurity Adopted 2020

Older LWV Oregon Studies


Clackamas County Studies

Drinking Water Part 1

Drinking Water Part 2

Drinking Water Part 3

Emergency Preparedness

County Funding

LWV National Studies Index