LWV Clackamas Members march in the Rose Festival Parade!

LWV Clackamas Members march in the Rose Festival Parade!


On May 11th, under somewhat cloudy skies, members of our Clackamas League marched in the Portland Rose Festival Parade.   Read More to see our photos of the fun, spirited day! 

From the announcer:  The League of Women Voters is proud to celebrate 102 years since American women won the right to vote.  Today the League marchers are wearing white and carrying the Suffrage flag with purple, white, and gold stripes. These were the colors used by the suffragists when they marched in the early twentieth century. Purple is for loyalty; white is for purity of purpose; gold symbolizes light and life. The stars represent the 36 states that ratified the 19th Amendment, giving women the vote. The League continues its work to expand and protect full voting rights for all citizens. 

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League to which this content belongs: 
Clackamas County