Missed the "Thoughts on Primary Elections Reform" meeting?

Missed the "Thoughts on Primary Elections Reform" meeting?



Tuesday, February 21, 2023 - 7:00pm

Watch it here.  Passcode:Yda8+hM7

Does our current Primary Election system work for all Oregonians, and how can we make it better? We’ll be mulling over those questions at our February General Meeting with the help of someone who is well-versed on the topic of election reform.

Our speaker, Barbara Klein, is Action Chair for LWV Rogue Valley and serves on the LWVOR Action Committee. Formerly, she was state president of LWV Arizona, co-president of LWV Metro Phoenix; chairperson of FairVote AZ and member of the national LWV Task Forces on National Popular Vote and Redistricting. Currently, she is a lead volunteer with Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Southern Oregon University, a core team member for PROregon.org, and often organizes and speaks on voting topics. Barbara is a published author and runs the Aging with Pizzazz.com website and PizzazzEE.com exercise app. She holds a doctorate in chiropractic, an MPS in Hospital/Health Care Admin, an RMT in music therapy, and a BS in music and special education.

 Please RSVP to Nancy Murray by February 19th. The Zoom link will be sent to you the morning of the meeting.

Contact Information
Nancy Murray
n.murray.01 [at] hotmail.com